Friday, March 16, 2012

We had a crazy, fun day!

As I had explained in my other blogs, we were filming ads to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Artificial Means of Persuasion that ads use.  Some of the videos were a little boring, but some were well done.  A few were outrageous and will not see the light of day!  But I think by having the students do these videos, we will now have examples to refer back to. 

The goal for next week it to get back to analyzing their magazines.  Now that the students have a foundation for the ad techniques, we can explore how they are used in their magazines.  For example, do advertisers use the same techniques in Hot Rod as they do in Teen Vogue?  Some will be the same, but not all.

I will not post videos from today without signed parental permission from each student in a video.  As much as the students want me to get these out there so they can show their friends, not everyone in the groups feels the same way.  I do not want to embarrass some students more than they might think they have been already!

The techniques used most often by the students for the classroom as an audience were name calling, humor, fear of the enemy, diversion, and card stacking.

I have finished grading section 4's sci-fi stories.  The grades are on HAC.  I have some make-up work waiting to be graded.  To much to do!  :)