Monday, March 26, 2012

Psychology and Advertising

Unit 11 Pictionaries 1-20
Students should be done these pages in the yellow packet: 1, 7, 17, and be working on pages 18 and 19.

I gave the students notes and we watched this video:
(I am pretty sure this is the link.  YouTube is blocked in school.)


Goals of Adverting

ELM – two ways communication can be persuasive
Depends on the ability to process message and motivation of the receiver

Central Route- High Involvement through attention
            Facts & Logic
            High Risk
            Permanent Attitude Change

Peripheral Route- (round about route) Does not think about the communication
            Emotional story
            Low Involvement
            Message is unimportant
            Content, facts, logic are temporary
            Senses, emotions, and feelings

Color impression accounts for 60-70% consumer reaction
Red- blood, pressure, increases appetite, quick decisions
Pink- candy pastries sweetness
Orange- energetic, fast food, very aggressive
Yellow- first color processed by the human eye and draws attention
Green- relaxing, environment
Blue- most popular, loyalty
Purple- difficult to produce, royal, rich, luxurious
Brown- Men favor, natural, of the earth, solidity and strength
Black- makes other colors pop, sophistication
White- cleanliness, purity, new, high tech

Positive Affect- joy, hope, pleasure
            Perceive risk lower and benefits higher

Negative Affect- anger, fear, shame
            Perceive risk higher and benefits lower