Thursday, March 29, 2012

I am finished teaching all the concepts needed for Monday.

At this point, I have taught you all you need to know to present your magazine.

1.    Magazines create a good product to build an audience that they can sell to advertisers.
2.    The magazines know exactly who their audience is. (Media Kit)
3.    Magazines are a business that relies on ads to make money and keep the price of the magazine low.
4.    Trust and motivation: Magazines are like your big sister.  You can trust her… for the most part.  She is trying to guide you.  Ads, on the other hand, are motivated by money; they want to sell you something!
5.    The goal of an ad is to inform, persuade, or influence.
6.    Ads are a combination of real and artificial reasons.  As we saw in the video, ads usually contain factual information that appeals to our thinking. 
7.    Ads also contain flashy things that catch our eye and try to appeal to our emotions.  The reasons might seem real, but they are fake.
8.    We named twenty of these artificial means of persuasion.
9.    We discussed the idea that we see who we are or who we want to be in ads aimed at us.  What message is the person in the ad sending:  this is you using the product or this is what you dream you would look like using the product?
10.I am teaching you how to be critical of ads.  Being critical means examining something closely and comparing it to what YOU know is true or false.  I am trying to give you information so you can make that determination.

By Monday, you need to be able to prove to me that you are the expert on your magazine. 
Pretend we don’t know anything about your magazine.
Have a great visual and take your time.
See page 18 in your yellow packet.
Check off each item on page 19.
You might want to write out a script.
Practice your presentation in front of someone.
You MUST have visuals of some sort.
You can make a Power Point if you would like.