All but section 6- Completing the Sentence Unit 9 vocab
Students should also have work to do in class. Saying they are working on it at home will not cut it! They are not going to play games on the computer because they have nothing to work on. (I know their tricks!)
I encouraged students to find a way to move their documents between home and school. Google Docs is the best way. But they can also e-mail them back and forth if they have a Yahoo account. They can also use a flash drive. I want all students to be able to use the computer to REVISE their drafts. That could mean deleting whole sections of their work.
We will have little tasks to accomplish each day this week. They will be listed on MrBoZ.com .
Story Rubric
5(a) = Gripping story, developed
characters, action moved to a climax.
4(b) = You were curious about the end,
some characters, conflict present.
3(c) = It was a story, had characters, some
2(d) = It was barely a story. It did not go anywhere.
1(f) = Unacceptable
it a science fiction story? (Author's purpose was clear.)
What is the writer’s purpose/lesson about
technology? Will science be the savior or the destroyer? What do we need to be
doing right now to attain or avoid this?
5 = The writer made you really think
about the future of some science idea.
4 = The story contained some type of science
idea and its future.
3 = There was some science thing in the story.
2 = It was just a story.
1 = Unacceptable.
5 = Excellent use of dialogue for effect and
character development.
4 = 15 exchanges with mostly correct
indenting, punctuation, paragraphing.
= Not enough exchanges and/or
incorrectly punctuated.
2 = Barely used dialogue and/or totally
incorrect punctuation.
1 = Unacceptable
Details and Thoughts
5 = Vivid setting and details. You feel
immersed in the story.
4 = Many sensory details like feel,
see, smell, and some thoughts.
3 = Some sensory details like feel,
see, smell, and some thoughts.
2 = Not very descriptive. The story was mostly just plot details.
1 = Unacceptable
5 = Almost perfect. Very few errors
4 = Some errors. They were minor and did not distract. Writer proofread.
3 = A few too many errors. Many should have been caught.
2 = Proofreading appears to have been
skipped. Distracting errors abound.
1 = Seriously?
Total: ________ divided by 5 = average
4.5 = A
3.5 = B
2.5 = C