Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quiz on Ad Techniques Friday

The 20 Ad Techniques
The students need to have four things done on their magazines.  They need to have the text/ad ratio. They need to have listed all the products sold in their magazine.  They must find one example of 15 of the ad techniques using yellow stickies.  And now they have to complete the chart on page 7 of their yellow packet.  The chart will show them which techniques are used most for the audience of the magazine.

In most classes, I discussed this idea: In ads aimed at you, you either see who you are or who you want to be.  If students look at the magazine, and the magazine is aimed at them as an audience, students will see themselves throughout the magazine.  For example, in Teen Vogue, I do not see who I am or who I want to be.  Imagine that.  But, when I flip through Sports Illustrated, I start to see more of myself represented.  But I am not into sports, so I am not really the audience of Sports Illustrated.

We are going to discuss race.  It is a fact that we are different races.  There are magazines like Ebony that target a Black audience.  It is a Black pride thing.  The magazine is a place to feel comfortable.  However, not all magazines focus on one particular race.  Teen Vogue and Sports Illustrated are pretty diverse.  Hot Rod, however, seems like a pretty White audience.  I doubt their own description of their audience would discuss this, nor is the magazine exclusive.  My guess is that the audience of Hot Rod tends to be White.  That's all. 

We will be spending more time discussing audience in the coming days.  We will also be looking at the media kits from the magazines to learn about the audiences of these magazines.