Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Grades are starting to accumulate

Have you checked HAC lately?

I added the quiz scores from today. 
The 200 word good draft is due Thursday.  I should have them graded in a week.  At that point, the grades should be accurate.  (Right now there is a whole category not represented: Classwork.)

40% of the grade is Classwork (Essays and projects)
20 % of the grade is the 700 words/week (for this marking period at least)
10 % of the grade is homework
20% of the grade is vocab quizzes
10% of the grade is participation (being prepared, behaving, but mostly volunteering)

Since a computer figures all this out, it can be messy.  I like to be able to give parents a good view of where their child might be struggling.  There is a good part of my grade that is just doing work.  However, performance matters, too.  Quizzes, projects, and essays will show performance. 

I did not blog yesterday because my son broke his arm.  Ugh.