Friday, April 29, 2011

Grades are updated on HAC

I got caught up on my grading.  I entered grades for the print ad and the 200 word piece that went with it.  For section 6, I also entered the vocabulary we did the week before the break. If you have any questions, please e-mail me.

As I look over the grades in sections 3, 6, and HB, I see that the grades are slipping.  Some students never made up the work from the chorus or band trip.  Other students are just not turning in work.

I will accept work for late credit, but I had reminded students many times about their missing work.  Interims are coming up soon.

On Monday, we will be continuing vocabulary.  We have three units and a final to get done in May.  I hope the students can keep up!  We will also be starting a piece of writing.  More details will follow.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Have a nice spring break!

We wrapped up the commercials.  Over the past two days, I have spent about 6 hours editing and producing the videos we filmed in class.   Today I showed the results to the students.  We had some really good laughs.  As much as I would like to post these for parents to see, I am wary of putting videos on the Internet.

I did tell the students that they can get a copy of their video if they bring in a memory stick. I would give them a copy, but they would have to assure me that their groups members are ok with it.  I never want a child to be humiliated on the Internet by something they did inside my class.

I hope the students come back rested!  We still have some writing to do before the end of the year!  We will be revisiting the Barney classroom idea we started the year with.  (Yep!  He's baaaaaack!)  We will be finishing up units 13, 14, and 15 in the vocab book.  We have a vocab final.  We have DCAS testing.  And I am sure we will be doing a little bit more grammar.  See?  We have plenty to do!

Rest up!  I know I will!
(But I do plan to update grades and get caught up.)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We are filming ads in class. Grades are updated on HAC.

Section 6:
Students should be done the Choosing the Right Word for Unit 12.
They can also write a script to perform an ad on Thursday.

All Classes
I added many grades to HAC today.  Please take the time to look them over.

We are filming ads in class.  It is going well enough.  Some groups have better scripts than others.  I will be thinking about the best way to publish the ads so students can keep a copy for themselves.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Section 6 schedule and The filming of the ads has begun!

In sections 3, 4, 5, and HB, we are starting to film the commercials.  I showed the students what I expect to see before they go up to film.  They should have a script and storyboard that looks like this.  There is a Word document of this on in the middle of the page.

Section 6 schedule for this week.
   Pre-test on unit 12
   Listen to the words
   Make pictionaries in class.  Homework if not finished.
   Homework: Students can make a script for their ad to present on Thursday for extra credit.

   Review the words
   Do the synonyms
   Do the Choosing and enter for a grade
   Homework: Students can make a script for their ad to present on Thursday for extra credit.
   I also suggest making flashcards.

   Review the words
   Work on the completing the sentence and the rest of the unit
   Study for the quiz using online resources
   Homework:  Students can make a script for their ad to present on Thursday for extra credit.

   Quiz Unit 12
   Students can present their ad
   Watch TV show called The Pitchmen

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sections 3, 4, 5, and HB ads for next week

Sections 4 and 5 have formed their own groups.  They are working on their scripts.  They can use the outline below.

Sections 3 and HB were supposed to be ready to present their products today.  The ad and the paragraph were due, but too many students did not have them.  Because I cannot count on them to be ready, I do not feel it would be fair to make groups for the ad presentations next week. These two classes will be writing their OWN ad scripts.  

Here are the requirements:

So, you have to do the ad for your product alone now. Here is what you need to be ready for your taped ad next week.

• The ad will be a minimum of 1 minute long.
• You should have practiced so it is reasonably smooth.
• You may have two camera shots (if you need them).
• You must have a printed script.

Show us your product and explain what it does. (maybe 2 sentences)
Convince us that we NEED your product. (maybe 2 sentences)

Now play on our emotions to convince us to buy the product. Use the ad techniques.
(Try to use as many as possible! They will give you things to say!)
1. Technique (1 sentence)
2. Technique (1 sentence)
3. Technique (1 sentence)
4. Technique (1 sentence)
5. Technique (1 sentence)
6. Technique (1 sentence)
7. Technique (1 sentence)
8. Technique (1 sentence)
9. Technique (1 sentence)
10. Technique (1 sentence)

Wrap up your ad with a direct pitch telling us to act.
(You are not telling us all this stuff for your health!)

Section 6 paragraph requirements

Section 6
The students designed the ad Wednesday, we made the ads in class today, and they will explain the ads on Friday.

This is the paragraph that the students will be typing in class tomorrow.  If they want to write the piece at home, then they can use the time for other things.

Requirements for the 200 word Print Ad Explanation
Goal: Explain your strategy for the ad.
1. Explain what the product is and why people would want it.
2. Explain the audience of your ad/product. Why sell it to that specific audience?
3. What magazine has an audience that you think would buy your product? Why?
4. Explain each technique you used to sell your product.
     a. Name the technique
     b. Explain the technique
     c. Explain why the technique will work with the audience
5. What type of person did you draw in your ad? Why?
6. Make sure you have explained why you think your ad is the best way to sell your product.

Times New Roman size 12 font
Single spaced
Introduction sentence and conclusion sentence needed.
Grammar counts, so take time to edit and make perfect.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Magazine ad and 200 word piece due tomorrow

There is also a quiz on unit 12.
(Section 6 will take the quiz next week. We are working on our ads in class.)

Today we looked at the ShamWow! ad (I think this is the link.).  The main focus of the lesson was to show that it is basically a towel; however, how can the ad run for two minutes and get us to buy a towel?  The answer is artificial means of persuasion.  We call them the ad techniques.  In most classes, we found all 19 techniques that I have posted on my board.  That means that, even though it is just a towel, if you can play on the emotions of the audience and avoid talking about how ordinary it is, you can wow people just long enough for them to pick up those phones and dial.

Ask your child about the ad.  I bet he/she remembers some of the silly arguments Vince uses to sell his towel.

Here is the script of the ad if you are interested.

ShamWow Ad

[Vince, the salesman, is standing behind a table with the towel in his hand and a bowl of water. He is talking to us through the camera.]
Vince: Hi, it’s Vince with ShamWow.

Vince: You’ll be saying “Wow” every time you use this towel. It’s like a shammy, it’s like a towel, it’s like a sponge. A regular towel doesn’t work wet; this works wet or dry. This is for the house, the car, the boat, the RV. ShamWow holds twenty times it’s weight in liquid. Look at it! It just does the work! Why do you want to work twice as hard?

Vince: Doesn’t drip, doesn’t make a mess… wring it out. You wash it in the washing machine. Made in Germany - you know the German’s always make good stuff.

Vince: You can cut it in half - use one as a bath mat, drain dishes with the other one, use one as a towel.

Vince: Olympic divers use it as a towel. Look at that - completely dry [wipes arm].

Vince: Put a wet sweater [on it], roll it up - it dries your sweaters. Here’s some cola. Wine, coffee, cola, pet stains…

Vince: Not only is the damage going to be on top - there’s your mildew - that is going to smell.

Vince: See that? Now we’re going to do this in real time. Look at this - put it on the spill, turn it over - without even putting any pressure, fifty percent of the cola - right there. You following me camera guy?

Vince: The other fifty percent - the color - starts to come up. No other towel is going to do that. It acts like a vacuum, and - look at this - virtually dry on the bottom. See what I’m telling ya? ShamWow - you’ll be saying “wow” every time.

[People talking about their ShamWows at a fair]
Person: “I can’t live without it! I just love it!”
Person: “Oh my gosh. I don’t even buy paper towels anymore.”

Person: “If you’re going to wash your car or any type of vehicle, you’d be out of your mind not to own one of these.”
Person: “All I can say is - Sham-WOW.”

[Back to Vince]
Vince:You’re going to spend twenty dollars a month on paper towels anyway.

Vince: You’re throwing money away.

Vince: The mini ShamWows are for everything - everyday use.

Vince: This lasts ten years, this lasts a week [holds up sponge]. I dunno - it sells itself.

(Some more here. I ran out of time to get this ready.)
[Ordering information]

Ad techniques in the ad:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sections 3, 4, 5, and HB this week

Here is the current assignment we are working on until spring break.
Quiz on Unit 12 on Thursday

Grades coming up this week and next:
(Quiz Unit 12 on Thursday)
(25 points) Created a print ad that is not a piece of junk.
(50 points) The 200 word piece on your print ad explains how you have designed the ad to work with your audience. Typed, size 12 Times New Roman, good grammar.
* Possible assignment (50 Points) The 200 word piece on your proposed script for your TV ad explains how you have designed the ad to work for a TV audience.
(25 points) Group grade for the TV commercial: Everyone must appear in the ad, the ad MUST be 1 minute long, you should be ready for filming, your effort will be scored by each person in the group.

Section 6 entry

Section 6 is not doing vocabulary this week.  We will begin the unit when we have finished the ad assignment.

Please check the grades on HAC.  

Section 6
We are making an ad in-class.  I have asked the students to pretend that they have invented a product that fills a need.  I have given them an item that they need to sell.  They are not selling what the product is for real.  They are selling the product that they invented.

1. Decide on what your device is.
    Here are pictures of the objects I have given the students.
    Make a list of what your device does or is used for.
2. Define your intended audience.
    Who would buy your device?
     Age Range:
     Family situation: (Married, single, with kids?)
3. Sketch an ad that include the following:
    The ad must have a person in the ad.
    There should be at least three clearly identifiable ad techniques (found in this packet).
    The ad should be eye-catching and colorful.
    Will your ad include people who are Powerful or Powerless?

On Wednesday, I will be asking the students to present their devices to the class. If they have thought about the above questions, they should sound convincing, like they would want me to buy the product as well.

By Friday, we will be making an ad and then explaining in 200 words why this ad is the best way to sell the product to the audience.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Media Literacy Paragraph is due Friday

The media literacy paragraph is due Friday.  We were in the writing lab today.  Many students were able to finish the piece, print it, and hand it in.  The problem for some students is they did not bring in a rough draft as I instructed.

(Section 6 is just beginning this piece in class.  We will be in the lab Friday.  We will start unit 12 in the vocab book next week.)

We also read two sample paragraphs.  Each one had something not quite right.  The purpose of the paragraph is to explain how they have personally observed the lessons in their own lives.  The first one is very personal, but it needs more explanation.  The second one is well written, but it is not very personal.  I told the students to think of this like a test.  Prove to me that you have learned the lessons I have taught.  Don't just repeat back what I have listed on the assignment sheet.

Sample 1
Sample 2

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Rough draft of the 350 word paragraph due Thursday

Choosing the Right Word Unit 12
Rough draft of the media paragraph

We are going to be in the writing lab Thursday.  I would like students to use the computers to type up their pieces, edit them using Word, and get an accurate word count.  I think 350 words is just enough to prove they have learned some of the ideas I have taught.  I am looking for depth.  I would like to see that they understand one idea fully rather than skim over many.

Here is a sample paragraph with some comments for improvement:

Sample of 2011 Media Literacy End of Magazine Unit 350 Word Paragraph
(This could use some improvement, but it is a good start.)

     To start off, I’m going to be completely honest. I forgot my paper in my locker, so I will go off what I remember from what you were saying in class. In class, you had taught us about the different types of advertising. To start off, my favorite would have to be card stacking, and the example was pretty funny. Some of the things that remind me of that is when I watch TV and see the commercial when the sharks are saying how much they like how the one who has just had the Sinkers. I bet you know what I’m talking about. [um.. no I don’t] I also see some other things you have been taking about, for a long time, droning on and on (ha ha). I have been noticing fear of the enemy in one of my least favorite commercials. It makes me cry when the doggy… awwww. I have definitely seen hype and symbol in many commercials if you must know. One is the Tech Deck commercial and all of the female bathroom products, if you must know what I am saying. I have also seen some name calling and many testimonial. But, personally, just because a famous person is using the product doesn’t make me want to go out and buy. I mean seriously. Get a life! On the other hand, I have seen and heard many bandwagon ads for gyms. Some are group dynamics, but not many. Personally, I think that every commercial has nostalgia in it, but that’s just me. But like you said, you don’t want us to give your lesson, so I think that this is where I say goodbye. Bye.

1. The paper is too conversational and informal.
2. The paper needs a better introduction sentence.
3. There are some good observations here, but the piece is 278 words. I would like 350. Those extra words would have given me more examples to read.
4. The last sentence does not sum up the main lesson of the paragraph.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Early 4th MP grades on HAC

Synonyms unit 12
Paragraph due Friday (Chorus trip students: Wednesday night)

**Section 6 has not started the vocab unit yet.  We also have some presentations to do.  They are listed as "excused" on the HAC.**

We finished the magazine presentations.  I gave them a questionnaire to help them process some of the data the students collected.  Somewhere during the presentations, the students should have found out something interesting. Maybe that moment could be worked into the paragraph that is due Friday.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Here is the paragraph assignment that is due Friday!

Tonight's Homework:
Sections 3, 4, 5, and HB: Pictionaries unit 12
Section 6: Be ready for the magazine presentation.  You saw what is needed today in class!

Paragraph due Friday:
I know some students are going on a trip at the end of this week.  I see no reason that this paragraph can't be completed by then, especially since I said I would be posting this online today.  ** If necessary, e-mail the paragraph to me Wednesday night. **

I have taught you lessons, you have watched the presentations of your classmates, and you have completed the research chart from their data. How do you feel about advertisements now? Write a paragraph of less than 350 words explaining how you have observed some of the following lessons in your own life and/or in your magazine. (I would like this neatly written or typed.)

Ads have a purpose.
    Show new products
    Persuade you to buy
    Change your thoughts to affect your behavior

Why do magazines and TV sell ads?
    To pay for the production of the content.

Why make good content like shows and interesting magazines?
    The more eyeballs you bring, the more money you can charge for ads.

Can you recognize an ad?
    They are still obvious most of the time.
    Product placement in movies and TV shows.
    Some magazine ads look just like the magazine.
    Are you even aware of when you are being sold to?

Where do we get our values from?
    Parents, community, society, church, school, friends?
    Do you get your values from the media: TV, movies, ads?

What is the intention of the magazine?
    To attract eyeballs and make money.
    If they make a product that people want, they can sell the ads space.
    Who is making the decisions for the content of the magazine? Editors.

What is the intention of the advertiser?
    To sell their product.
    Who is making the decisions for the ad content? Someone who knows it will sell product.

Every ad uses identifiable techniques of persuasion.
    The ads usually do not sell the product based on logical reasons.
    The ad techniques are artificial means of persuasion that play on the emotions.

Core Concepts
    1. All media messages are constructed.
    2. Creative techniques are used to attract my attention.
    3. Different people experience the same message differently.
    4. What lifestyles, values, and points of view does the ad show?

Be sure to start your paragraph of with a focusing statement.
Be sure to include transitions.
End the paragraph with a conclusion sentence.
Be sure to have NO GRAMMAR ERRORS!

Friday, April 01, 2011

The magazine presentations are going well

Sections 3, 4, 5, and HB
We did not get through as many presentations as I would have liked, but the ones I heard today were pretty good.  I guess those who did not present get a little extra time to prepare.  That's ok.  Now they know exactly what I am looking for, so I will have high expectations for Monday.

Section 6:
On Monday, I expect them to be done the packet we have been working on in class.  They are to take the questions on the last page of the yellow packet and write down the information.  They should also include lots of pictures to explain what they are trying to say.  Once I see that they have prepared the information, they will present their information to the class to tell us what they found.  (I have explained this assignment thoroughly for the last three days.  Some students are just dragging their feet.)