Thursday, September 24, 2009

September 24, 2009

Homework: None

Buzzword and word study (see below)
Quiz Unit 1
Reviewed the answers to the quiz
Some classes shared.

September 24, 2009
relevant (adjective) \RELL-uh-vunt\
What does it mean?
: having something to do with the matter being considered : pertinent
How do you use it?
Although the book was published in 1962, the ideas and observations expressed in it are still relevant today.
Are you a word wiz?
If you're interested in today's Buzzword, here's a relevant question. Which word do you think is a synonym of "relevant"?
A. germane
B. extraneous
C. affluent
D. plausible

Responder (to give you a feel for what we covered)
Which of the following is based on a prefix meaning one?
Which word is derived from the Greek root meaning heart?