Wednesday, September 02, 2009

September 2, 2009

****My online calendar is not publishing correctly. Sorry.****

Have you brought in vocab book money and the permission slip?
Other than that, none yet. We start vocab next week.

Daily Drill
We watched Barney looking for the answers to these questions:

*Who is in charge on the show?

*What do you make of this: “Barney can be your friend too, if you just make believe him.” (Some classes had an interesting discussion about belief in Barney. What if the kids did not believe in Barney? What then? Can we have a Barney class if we just believe? What if some don't believe? WWBD?)

*How are imperfect people treated on the show?

We also tried to define what a Barney Class would look like. I need the students to be able to explain a Barney class before they can determine whether we can have one or not. Tomorrow we will start to write the essay.