Wednesday, February 21, 2007

February 21, 2007

Continue working on the review units between units 9 and 10.
If you can, get the essay up to a 6.
Be prepared to read your essay to the class tomorrow.

We were in the writing lab for one final day. We were making the push to get the essays up to a six. There were some who did, but many continued to get five's. Oh well. That is a 92% for this assignment. I'll take it.

When I looked at the fives, I could see what was missing, but it is hard to just say one fast answer of what to add. Most times, though, the main problem was the lack of details. They simply were not explaining the points they were making. That is always a problem for students. In their minds, it is clear. They made the statement. They know what they mean. What more needs to be said?

If you look at the last paragraph, I explained the one statement with more details. Students don't always get that idea. It is developmental. The students will get better as they continue through their education.