Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March 29, 2006

I realized that I did not blog that much last week.  Wow, what a crazy week.

Today we checked the pictionaries and synonyms in class.  Tonight's homework was to do the choosing.  Section 3 did them in class.

We studied one last blues artist today.  I always like to add onto what I did the previous year.  I decided we should at least look at John Lee Hooker.  We listened to the song "Boom Boom Boom."  I told the students I would make a blank version of the song so we could add our own lyrics.  That is now on the blues assignment page.

I do take the blues song seriously.  I hope the students take the time to prepare for the performance.  I know I will!  I work very hard on these lessons because I love doing them.  Many of the performances will be ok, but a few will be awesome!  We all excel at different things.  We also learn through different styles.  I try to appeal to many styles.  

March 28, 2006

I updated some pages on  I guess that is why I forgot to post my blog yesterday.  

On Tuesday, we were getting back into a classroom swing.  We are doing daily drills on commas and other grammar issues every day for the rest of the year.  I have a link to the file we use on the screen in class.  Kids are copying and correcting.  It's mostly boring stuff, but it needs to be covered.

We also got back into vocabulary.  We are currently in unit 13.  For homework, they were to make pictionaries and complete the synonyms.

We also studied some blues songs and discussed how they fit into the classic blues format.  We wrote a short song as a demonstration of what they should be doing for Monday.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

March 27, 2006

I was out sick.  I did notice that there were a few days on my calendar that were not labeled correctly.  March 31, Friday, is an in-service day.  Also, next week, April 6 and 7 are half days for conferences.  That will affect the schedule for the performances.  Oh well, I can only plan so far ahead.

Friday, March 24, 2006

March 24, 2006

I have been overwhelmed to say the least.  Between testing, grading the media essays, and planning for the blues unit, I am done for the week. 

Have a relaxing weekend.  You can check out the requirements for the current unit from the calendar here: .  This calendar shows most of the assignments through the end of the year.

Monday, March 20, 2006

March 20, 2006

I had sections 3,6, and 7 today.  Just as I did for sections 1 and 2 the other day, we started the next unit.  If you look on the classroom webpage, you will see the current assignment on the upper right.  There is a calendar of all the assignments coming up.  

I will explain the unit in further detail when I get a chance.  I have done it in the past, but this time I am doing all the assignments one after the other.  In years past, I have spread them out. 

There is no homework this week.

Friday, March 17, 2006

March 17, 2006

What a week.  I am wiped out.  I do plan to spend Saturday grading, though.  The research papers will take 30 hours to grade.  I have to get started.

I posted the final unit.  It will take the whole 4th marking period.  I have almost every assignment planned.  That certainly means that things will change!  :)

If your child starts talking about the blues, they are not sad about DSTP!  We are going to start studying that style of writing and singing.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

March 16, 2006

Wow!  What a day.  Only five more test days.

Today we practiced extended response questions.  There is no homework.

I am in the process of planning the rest of the year.  Check out the current assignment on the classroom page.  Wait until you see what your child will be doing!  Better yet, wait until they see what they will be performing!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

March 15, 2006 update

Parents, I am very disappointed by the postings I have come across on MySpace.  I made a profile and became part of the community.  I was invited to be friends of students, yet what I found bothered me.  

I found foul language.  That is understandable, but still, what the students said changed the way I view them in class.  I also found pictures.  The images the media offers children are mirrored in their poses, many of which I would term sexy.  A few pictures were flat out inappropriate, and if they were of my daughter, I would die of embarassment!

After much discussion with Mr. Kennedy and people in the district, including the district lawyers, there isn't much we as a school can do to control what students post.  It is not our job to protect them from the dangers of their actions online in their homes.  The site is considered out of school.

If you are curious about the site, please contact me.  I can direct you to resources to explore so you can protect your child.  As it stands now, that is all I can do, protect my own children.

March 14, 2006

DSTP is starting THURSDAY.  There is no homework until testing is over.  Each of my classes until then will just be practicing skills for the test.  I will give grades based on participation.  As long as the students are paying attention and doing the work, they will get a good grade.  Since the schedule is so crazy with testing, there will be many days I will not see all of my students.  It is difficult to plan for.

Monday, March 13, 2006

March 13, 2006

We read each other's media literacy essays.  I can't wait to read them!  Seriously!

There will be no homework through DSTP.  Oh well.  I guess they get a break!

That's it.  I will be getting the classes ready for DSTP testing.

My essay is on the media literacy page.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

March 9, 2006

We reviewed one of the two versions of my essays for the media literacy paper.  Check out the assignment page to view them.

I asked the students to have even more of their papers written for tomorrow.

I gave grades out to sections 7, 1, and 2.  They should get them signed. 

No time to write.  Battery on laptop at 15min.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

March 8, 2006

We just worked in the writing lab today.  I would like sections 1 and 2 to present their research to the class tomorrow and have something we can read.

I would like sections 3,6,7 to have as many paragraphs as possible written for tomorrow.  There is an outline on the media literacy page of my website.  I have two days to help them smooth out their papers and teach them how to cite information.

The paper is still due Monday.  See the requirements on the website.

Right now I am organizing my notes for my paper.  I want to say that split sponsorship and the push to expand the NASCAR fanbase away from its traditional demographics might cause me, in particular, to stop wanting to follow the sport.  I am a fan of the driver.  I know drivers need support, but don't take advantage of your fans!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

March 7, 2006

I have spent my time the afternoon updating the messages on the main classroom page.  Please see them.  Under the Messages page I gave a brief explanation of the MySpace controversy that Mr. Kennedy and the PTA are looking into, as well as many other school across the nation.

The students worked in the writing lab today.  Please see the media literacy assignment page for more details about the essay.  It is worth 200 points, and the students must not only demonstrate that they have learned the material from the last four weeks, they must show how they have applied it to their own lives.

The essay is due Monday, March 13.  Please help your child find the time to complete the essay on-time.

Monday, March 06, 2006

March 6, 2006

Sections 1 and 2 today:
I might need to explain today's lesson.  In my sections 1 and 2 we discussed  Well, let's just say that I had an interesting way of starting the discussion!

I had them write a short note to a friend.  Then I had them write a short note back.  For the next round I told them that they must (if comfortable with it) add curse words. As you can imagine, they were... excited!  At least in section 1.  Section 2 was a little more reserved.  (They thought something was up.)

Section 2 was so proud of their cursing, and they could not wait to show their friends.  The trick was, I was collecting them instead!  But they weren't so nervous.  They asked for theirs to be read aloud.  I substituted words and went through a few.  They thought it was great.  This was not the response I was looking for.

Then I told them that I was reading their MySpace accounts.  I found a way to bypass the security.  I can read anything in the comments sections.  That means, whenever they make comments on friends' pages, their picture is right next to it.

It was disappointing to read these for so many reasons.  First, it changed the way I saw them.  The innocent girl in glass curses and talks about sex freely on the pages. If they curse that way in private, that is their business, but this is not private... and if I had not found anything, maybe I would trust them.  Supervision is needed!

My Kennedy is aware of today's lesson.  He gave his approval to discuss this ongoing problem.  I truly worry about the children because this stuff is posted on the Internet.  I feel it is my duty as their teacher to help them learn about, not only the dangers of posting sexual material, but they should think about the effect their words have on their image.

In short, it was quite a lesson today. 

Friday, March 03, 2006

March 3, 2006

Today was mega-logo day.  Here are the results:
Section       Total          per student
1                1,788              59.6
2                800                 28.57
3                641                 35
6                727                 27.96
7                1,720              74.77

Today's lesson was on NASCAR sponsorship.  I gave them some background on how fans feel about their drivers.  I am one.  We also read some parts of articles that gave facts about the cost of racing.  I will post those links on the media literacy assignment page.

I told the students that sure, you see a lot of logos on these guys, but they are being paid to wear them.  You are not!

You are just advertising for them... for free.  I pointed out that the $20m the primary sponsor spends is money well spent.  Super Bowl ads cost $2.5m for 30 seconds.  I showed how much exposure the sponsor gets from racing.  

The students must be researching and beginning to think about what they want to say in the paper.  I do not want a simple repeating of what I have taught.  It is too much anyway.  I want to see how what I have been teaching has impacted their lives.  I want to see the application of my information.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

March 2, 2006

Today was No-Logo Day.  Here are the reseults:
Section    logos      per student
1             236           8.43
2             279          10.33
3             271          13.55
6             329          12.19
7             364          13.48

The lesson is based on information from a Frontline episode.  In the show, the narrator states that we see 3,000 ads per day.  Logos are just quick ads.  In my class, if I had seen every logo, there were 1,479.  That does not include all the logos in the hallway and TV ads.  Our eyes are bombarded by messages.  I have found that even as aware as I am of ads, it is impossible to avoid all media messages.  It takes energy to keep your guard up all the time.

Tomorrow is Mega-Logo Day!  Let's see how many we can wear at once!

Not every student handed in the required work.  They were supposed to do the 20 ads chart, powerful/powerless chart, and create three ads.  Many students need to make that up.

March 1, 2006

I seem to be writing these the day after.  Right now, the lessons are so dynamic that I don't always teach the same thing in every class.  Issues come up in one that I did not foresee, and I change the lesson.

Today, March 1, we studied the law.  I printed out some pages from a Federal Trade Commission FAQ for business owners about advertising (  What jumped out at us most was there seemed to be plenty of ads on TV they could think of that don't do what the law says!  Here is a line from the FTC, "For example, if an ad for a diet product claims 'Lose 10 pounds in one week without dieting,' the fine-print statement 'Diet and exercise required' is insufficient to remedy the deceptive claim in the ad." I am pretty sure I have seen ads like this!

We then watched ads from Ford (  I showed the the ad where the two bulldozers crush the truck.  We dicussed whether the ad fit the requirements of the law.  I still think it is pretty tricky of Ford to digitally modify the undercarriage of the truck while it was getting crushed.

Thursday is No-Logo Day.  Students are to wear as few logos as possible.  Those are actually ads for the clothing company.

They were also supposed to make three ads for the bowling pin.

February 28, 2006

We studied TV ads today.  In the media packet, there is a page that covers TV ad techniques.  They include things like sound effects and lighting.  So I had the students identify these techniques in TV ads.  

We looked at the following ads:
Captain Crunch: Hiking 
Lunchables: Pizza Treatza things
My Life girl's reality video game
Visa: Life Takes

I also tried to discuss the idea that ads try to teach us values THEY would like us to believe.  Therefore, if we think as they do, we will spend more more.  This benefits them, not us.  

When we studied the girl's game, I also showed them how you can look up reviews of the game on the Internet.  I wanted to show them that you can look before you leap.  But it also gives them a way to see the reality behind the fantasy. (The disturbing part of reviews is that companies will pay people to act as consumers and write good reviews.  It is called "under the radar marketing.")

Homework:  (I wrote this March 1)
Finish the first 20 ads chart in packet
Finish the powerful/powerless/sexy chart