Wednesday, February 08, 2006

February 8, 2006

We are starting a new unit on Media Literacy. I do not have a web page that explains the unit yet because I think I will do it a little differently from past years. I will get the assignment page up within a day or so. As soon as the unit is mapped out, I will begin grading the Earrings essays.

I assume you have seen your child's grade slips by now. Students must take care of the make-up work now because I will stop accepting the work soon.

Copy the 5 key concepts
check vocab unit 11 is completed
checked that all students have a magazine
explain the journal for media literacy
some classes started the text/ad ratio
5 minutes of journaling time

Flashcards for sections 3,6,7
Quiz 11 tomorrow

7.1111 relate incidents in the text or media to life’s experiences.
7.1112 relate the themes of literary text and media to personal experiences