Thursday, February 16, 2006

February 15, 2006

We are moving along in our study of the media. Today we took the data from our text/ad ratios and put them in a chart. This way we can see the ratios from numerous magazines, not just the one they are working on. What we found was the average ratio was 60/40, magazine to ad. That means that 60% of the money spent on the magazine goes towards the magazine.

We are moving on to audience now and ad techniques. We will continue to research the magazine by picking it apart,
We reviewed the synonyms in vocab as well.

Assignment: Honors
The honors classes were asked to contact the advertising department of their magazines. They are to request a media kit. This packet is what advertisers use to determine if a magazine is the best place for an ad. For example, let's say I am selling a new lip gloss. In the packet, I will see how the magazine stacks up against similar magazine like Seventeen and Cosmo Girl. The packet will list demographics and lots of other information to show that their magazine is the best magazine for my product. Then I will get to see how much it costs to run an ad. In Teen People, it is around $86,000 for a full page.

The students just need to show me proof that they have tried to contact someone. They can do this by e-mail or letter. It is a 10 point assignment to try. If they get a kit, great! It will help all my classes. If they don't get one, no big deal.

Choosing the Right Word Unit 11
Get the grade slip signed