Wednesday, February 01, 2006

February 1, 2006

I have been having trouble with my web page for a while now, and I have decided to make life easier on myself. The pages I have designed, although quite effective for what I need, have been causing more trouble than they are worth. I will be using this blog as my online place to post my daily schedule. It may not look pretty on the screen in the classroom, but it is reliable and searchable. I hope you find this useful.

Check vocabulary homework: pictionaries
(Hand back quizes)
Check Essays are done
Read two other essays and compare to your own
Collect essays
Continue with Sentence lessons

Choosing the right work unit 11
Bring a magazine on Tuesday

7.104 use complete sentences varied in length and structure.
7.112 use well-chosen, elaborated details to clarify ideas for the intended audience
7.178 connect and synthesize information from different sources.