Monday, February 27, 2006

February 27, 2006

I handed out grade slips today.  They do not have to be signed.  

I also moved the due date for the media literacy essay to March 13.  I am finding that I have not covered enough material.  I was expecting to be able to write this week, but I have not finished discussing many of the core concepts.  

We will not be having vocab for the next two weeks.  I would like the students to focus on the media literacy essay and the assignments from the packet.

Even though the essay is not due for two weeks, I keep telling the students they should be writing now.  They should be figuring out how all of the lessons apply to them.  They should also be researching a topic related to our class lessons.  There is a list on my front board.

Friday, February 24, 2006

February 24, 2006 (The Sign!)

I know you have all had one of those days.  That was today.  Seventh graders are not very mature, and the topic we discussed was... well... one of those topics they could not handle.

I decided to have them explore the images they have in their magazines.  Along with observing whether the people in their magazines are powerful and powerless, I thought it might be interesting to see how many sexual/seductive images their magazines contained.  Sure, that sounds extreme, that is until they actually started finding them all over.  I was especially surprised with the content of some ads in Teen People.

I told the students that the human animal gives off a sign when it is time to procreate.  Animals use visual as well as chemical signs.  Well, a woman is usually the one who (when married and of age) gives the sign.  That is what we recognize as sexy/or seductive, or at least says the male may proceed.  

Since we are hard-wired to respond to this, advertisers know that men respond to this, and women might want to have the power that can come with being in charge.  

In short, I do not know if the topic was completely appropriate for all students, but as a father of a somewhat developing 8 year old daughter, I made every attempt to make the students aware of the messages but also tried to impress upon them that if they did not recognize the sign, that was a good thing!  

I hope I have not offended any parents;although, I believe I can justify the study of the images in their magazine.  The sexualization of children concerns me.  I wanted to make them aware of the images they look at and the messages they send.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

February 23, 2006

I have been so busy lately! Sorry I have not been up to date with the daily class work and homework. The homework is always listed on the calendar on the classroom page.

Thursday, February 23
We are taking quiz 12 today.
The ad techniques tabs in the magazine are due today for a grade.
The students will present their findings.

Tuesday, February 21
On Tuesday, we spent most of the class time discussing essays. We read 5 Earrings essays. They were examples to show how I scored their essays. We started with an essay that would score a 1 out of 4 on the State scale. We then read some 2's. I wanted them to see what is NOT acceptable for the State. In order to pass the DSTP, the writing score must be a 3. I then showed them the difference between a 2 and a 3. I hope the doing this will inspire them to put a little more effort into their writing. Finally, I showed them a 4+. This essay was almost a 5. A 5 paper is one that just blows you a away.

Wednesday, February 22
On Wednesday, we studied marketing. We started with a discussion about impressions per million. We studied a chart that shows how many impressions per million a company received and the money spent on the ad campaign. What we learned was some companies spent $20M and the received 20M impressions. That means they spent $1 per impression. Other companies spent less and got more for their money. Others spent as much as $4.40 per impression, but they did get 99M impressions. We discussed if that is worth it.

That led to a discussion about modern marketing techniques. That data was from 1984. The techniques we studied were buzz marketing and viral marketing. We looked at a website called This site and product are totally fake. We read a New York Times article on the company that created the campaign. They only spent $250,000 on the marketing, but they basically lied to everyone in order to create a buzz about the fake site. Then they revealed who they really were later. I hope this topic was not to racy for some of you, but I am a father, and I always try to treat the students as I would treat my kids.

Sorry for writing so much. I wanted to keep you informed.

Friday, February 17, 2006

February 17, 2006

Today we will continue studying the advertsing techniques in full force. I will finish discussing them so that the students can start finding them in their magazines. It is important that they can not only find examples, but they should also be thinking about the questions on the chart. I want them to begin questioning why that technique is being used and if it is effective... or even true!

Most of Unit 12 should have been done for today as well. I am noticing that the scores of the quizzes are going up. I believe that is because we are checking the answers in class as a grade. It is important that the students have the correct answers. I believe too many were just filling in anything so that it looked done when I walked around.

I hope you have all seen your child's grades. If you are not receiving them by e-mail, please let me know, and I will add you to the list. Please read the messages on the classroom page. I take time to explain what we are doing in class so that you can can discuss these topics with your child when you have time. I am busy too.

February 16, 2006

Today we took a pause and looked at the five core concepts we are studying in media literacy. I wanted the students to think about them now that we have been studying for 5 days. As far as I could see, they have only gained a little ground on being able to explain what being media literate means. That is fine. We have a long way to go.

We are beginning the advertsing techniques in the packet. These techniques will be our vocabulary for discussing how ads try to persuade us. In my continuing lesson on persuasion, we are now beginning to study false persuasion, techniques that rely on psychological and emotional manipulation rather than logic.

Here is a quote that I keep in mind as I teach my seventh graders about the media:

"To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction. "
Martin Luther King Jr.
from "The Purpose of Education" 1948


Thursday, February 16, 2006

February 15, 2006

We are moving along in our study of the media. Today we took the data from our text/ad ratios and put them in a chart. This way we can see the ratios from numerous magazines, not just the one they are working on. What we found was the average ratio was 60/40, magazine to ad. That means that 60% of the money spent on the magazine goes towards the magazine.

We are moving on to audience now and ad techniques. We will continue to research the magazine by picking it apart,
We reviewed the synonyms in vocab as well.

Assignment: Honors
The honors classes were asked to contact the advertising department of their magazines. They are to request a media kit. This packet is what advertisers use to determine if a magazine is the best place for an ad. For example, let's say I am selling a new lip gloss. In the packet, I will see how the magazine stacks up against similar magazine like Seventeen and Cosmo Girl. The packet will list demographics and lots of other information to show that their magazine is the best magazine for my product. Then I will get to see how much it costs to run an ad. In Teen People, it is around $86,000 for a full page.

The students just need to show me proof that they have tried to contact someone. They can do this by e-mail or letter. It is a 10 point assignment to try. If they get a kit, great! It will help all my classes. If they don't get one, no big deal.

Choosing the Right Word Unit 11
Get the grade slip signed

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

February 14, 2006

In Class
We reviewed the calendar for the week and the homework.

We discussed words 1-20 for unit 12.

We discussed "Special Advertisement Sections" from magazines. I have seen a lot of them lately, and I wonder what that signals. I have noticed that ads are starting to look like the magazines they are placed in. They match the layout of the articles; therefore, I believe they must tell us that we are looking at an ad so that we aren't tricked. I tell students that the best ad for a product is the one that gets the message across and you don't even notice. I wonder if the advertiser has to pay extra to have their product placed in a better location?

Pictionaries 1-20 and synonyms unit 12
Finish the text/ad ratio sheet

Sections 1 and 2 must contact their magazine's advertising department and request a media kit. They can e-mail them or write, but I need to see a copy of the message sent. Getting a reply does not count for a grade. We have gotten back some neat things when we have done this in the past, but I also used to make it a formal writing assignment. This should be a formal e-mail with perfect grammar.

Friday, February 10, 2006

February 10, 2006

We mostly talked about one commercial from GM that was shown during the Grammys. It was an incredible ad for its method of conveying a message through music, pictures, text, and song lyrics. We will definitely study it again.

I handed out the packet for the media literacy essay. If any student was absent, he/she should pick one up. It will be our text book.

I wanted the text/ad ratio completed for Monday. They should also write down a list of all products advertised in the magazine. I explained how to do this in class. If we need more time, we will work on it in class. I am trying to get them to take a look at what is in their magazines. Most times we don't even think about it.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

February 9, 2006

The media literacy unit is underway! I am always so excited to do this unit. We get to spend three weeks studying the culture that we are each emersed in. I get to learn more about the lives of my students as they lead me through their magazines. The students, though, will begin to see their own world a little differently after I teach them a few things.

I will be handing out the media literacy packet Friday. It will list all of the requirements.

Quiz 11
Check flashcards for sections 3,6,7
Work on text/ad ratio of magazines
Assign the next step: list all the products advertized in the magazine

I would like the students to come in with their numbers
How many pages of text/ads/half and half do they have?

7.176 follow written and oral directions.
7.186 evaluate texts and media presentations for bias and misinformation.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

February 8, 2006

We are starting a new unit on Media Literacy. I do not have a web page that explains the unit yet because I think I will do it a little differently from past years. I will get the assignment page up within a day or so. As soon as the unit is mapped out, I will begin grading the Earrings essays.

I assume you have seen your child's grade slips by now. Students must take care of the make-up work now because I will stop accepting the work soon.

Copy the 5 key concepts
check vocab unit 11 is completed
checked that all students have a magazine
explain the journal for media literacy
some classes started the text/ad ratio
5 minutes of journaling time

Flashcards for sections 3,6,7
Quiz 11 tomorrow

7.1111 relate incidents in the text or media to life’s experiences.
7.1112 relate the themes of literary text and media to personal experiences

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

February 7, 2006

Review Calendar
Hand out grade slips
Finish study of clauses
Sections 3,6,7 practice 11 quiz
Possibly begin looking at magazines

Bring in magazine which will be our text book for a while
Finish unit 11 vocab

7.104 use complete sentences varied in length and structure.
7.107 use correct punctuation.

Friday, February 03, 2006

February 3, 2006

I have a substitute in today. These are the plans I left. I am in Dover for three days scoring essays for the DSTP. We are setting benchmarks that the professional company will use to score this year’s DSTP writing tests. It should be interesting!

1. Take role using the seating chart.
2. Using the vocab book, please review the answers for Completing the Sentence on page 127.
3. Start on page 393. Have them read the section on noun clauses. Trust me, they will have no idea what is being talked about. But maybe some will. Just have them read it all the way down to exercise 9.
4. Have them complete exercise 9. I would be happy if they could just find the noun clauses. It would be great if they could see how the clause is acting like a person, place, or thing. If you feel comfortable discussing the various uses, feel free.
5. They can then work on Review Exercise B on 398. Again, I would like them to be able to find the clauses. If they can identify them, that would be great.
6. They could also do the Posttest 1. I would see if they can find the INDEPENDENT clauses.
7. They can work on vocab if there is extra time.

7.104 use complete sentences varied in length and structure.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

February 2, 2006

I have a sub in today. This is what the students were assigned.


1. Take role using the seating chart.
2. Using the vocab book, please review the answers for Choosing the Right Word on page 129.
3. Start on 390. Have them read the explanation for adverb clause.
4. On 392, have them do exercise 7. Ideally, it would be great if they understand what an adverb does. I would be satisfied if they could just find the clauses. Notice that the arrows point to the verb and give extra information about the verb.
5. On 393, have them write sentences for exercise 8. They might need a separate sheet of paper. They could always write extra sentences using the subordinating conjunctions on page 392. They could read some of these aloud.

7.104 use complete sentences varied in length and structure.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

February 1, 2006

I have been having trouble with my web page for a while now, and I have decided to make life easier on myself. The pages I have designed, although quite effective for what I need, have been causing more trouble than they are worth. I will be using this blog as my online place to post my daily schedule. It may not look pretty on the screen in the classroom, but it is reliable and searchable. I hope you find this useful.

Check vocabulary homework: pictionaries
(Hand back quizes)
Check Essays are done
Read two other essays and compare to your own
Collect essays
Continue with Sentence lessons

Choosing the right work unit 11
Bring a magazine on Tuesday

7.104 use complete sentences varied in length and structure.
7.112 use well-chosen, elaborated details to clarify ideas for the intended audience
7.178 connect and synthesize information from different sources.