Friday, March 21, 2014

The Anne Frank test was a flop!

Common Core focuses more on analyzing and synthesizing. Sure, students need to be able to read for comprehension... as long as the test is reasonable.  This test is not as good as I thought it would be! Some questions have too many close answers.  Some questions ask for some obscure detail. 

Therefore, I had the students work together and discuss each answer.  The discussions were productive, so I am glad we had them.

On Monday, the students can enter their answers into the responders.  If they would like to take some time over the weekend to explore the play more, they can.  

The test will be a formative.  The projects and the brief writing piece will be summative, but they will count for the 4th MP.

Here is the test.

Here is the play.

By the end of next week, I will have the grades finalized.  I need to sit down and enter a few more formatives and balance the points.