Friday, March 07, 2014

All final drafts are due by midnight tonight.

I have also just finished reading over the rough drafts that were sent to me for review.  No more rough drafts, please.  I will not have time to read them now anyway. I am going to rest and then see Zappa Plays Zappa tonight in Wilmington!

The lowest score I saw on a rough draft would be a B-.  The papers I have seen cover the requirements for argumentative writing.  The main difference between the papers seems to be the ability to clearly organize enough details to prove a position.  Papers that were less than 850 words tended to not have enough supports, but they are B's. 

I found myself telling the students that they fulfilled the requirements and the paper is a B.  But trying to explain the difference between an A and B in an e-mail is hard.  When you watch your child's sports team, you can see there are players that are good, but there are others that are really good.  That's the difference between and A and a B.  Some students are better at writing than others.

As I said in the last blog, I will color code the scoring so it should be easier understand how the paper received the score according to the rubric.

I will need over a week to score these papers.  As I score the e-mailed ones, I will include the feedback and the grade.  The HAC grades won't be in until they are all done.