Thursday, March 06, 2014

E-mailed document suggested requirements and marking up instructions

E-mail the final drafts to me by midnight Friday.
  • Can be sent as an attachment.
  • Can be pasted into an e-mail.
  • Can be handed to me in class Friday.
  • I always like Times New Roman sized 12 font
  • Single Spaced
  • Normal margins
  • I use the 2011 version of Microsoft Word and can view .docx formats.
  • (I do not have Pages, which is the Mac version of Word.)
  • No pictures needed.
  • Use for the bibliography of articles other than those I provided.
  • No headings needed throughout the essay.  It is not long enough to need them.

If students want to mark up their essays themselves to prove they have lots of good supports, they can give it a try.  Below are three snapshots from a paper I marked up as a sample.

(Notice the supports in green do not highlight every single word.  I want to be able to count the different supports for each topic sentence.  I am giving this a shot.  I want to mark up a paper so I can see the whole structure overall.  I might be making more work for myself, but I also want to justify the difference between an advanced paper and a competent paper. This type of paper requires a very structured organization of ideas.)

Formatting like this is NOT required, but it is encouraged. Click on the picture for a larger version.