Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Organizing the Flowers for Algernon essay

Outlines for the Flowers for Algernon essay
I am honestly surprised that students are so unsure about outlining.  Regardless, I have walked them through the steps, and today I am reviewing all of their outlines. I had them type them into Google Docs so I could see their work immediately.  I am also posting all of the general outlines so they can see how others outlined their papers. I am not posting all of the supports, because I think students would use what others found.

Outlines for Section 1
Outlines for Section 2
Outlines for Section 3

 If you really need all the data you typed in today, e-mail me, and I will send it to you.

The rough draft is due tomorrow so we can get some feedback.

The final draft is due Friday.

We have taken the Flowers for Algernon test.  I will get the scores up tonight.

Students will have some time in class Thursday to do Achieve.  There are 14 articles due Friday.