Thursday, September 12, 2013

We are working hard!

Sections 2 and 3 have two things they are responsible for tomorrow.  They have to turn in the final draft of the short story analysis.  They also have a quiz on the literary terms that I had posted in earlier blogs.

Section 1 does not have homework.  However, school pictures are being taken, so all students will need their money.

In Class
Sections 2 and 3:
We spent time reviewing the story "The Elevator."  We discussed the sources of conflict and tried to agree on what the ending meant.  The ending is a cliff hanger, so students need to use details from the story to prove their theory.  Some are more plausible than others.

We also applied the literary terms to fairy tales like The Three Little Pigs.  We also plotted the stories on a story map.  We will use this map all year.

Section 1:
We reviewed the literary terms using the list on a previous post.  The students do NOT know the terms well.  I reviewed the terms, and they were supposed to copy them down. 

Then I had the students read a fairy tale, either The Three Little Pigs or Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  The students filled our a story map.  I will grade those maps to see how they are doing with the terms we have been learning.

We have to catch up to the other sections.  We will be writing an analysis of the story next week.  We will also start vocab next week.