Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Moving right along.

Sections 2 & 3 should complete pages 25 and 27 in the vocab book.
Section 1 should do 1-10 in the Choosing the Right Word page 26 in unit 1. 
The homework will be checked for accuracy using the responders, so do a good job.

Extra practice for the vocabulary can be found here.

  • Sections 2 & 3 spent time with the vocabulary book. We were discussing context clues.  I want to establish my expectations for the work.  
  • Sections 2 & 3 also started to think about goals and what motivates us in preparation for the next piece of literature, Raymond's Run, which can be found in their online literature book.  We also discussed inferencing, which is combining details in a story with your own knowledge to make an educated guess.  We will be making inferences about the main character in the story.
  • Section 1 spent some time reviewing the vocabulary words.  
  • Section 1 is also retaking the literary terms quiz because they did not do as well as I thought they would do.  I gave them a short story which they had to map.  While they did that, I worked with a small group.  We will take the quiz part tomorrow.  I will post the grades ASAP.