Monday, January 28, 2013

We did not get as far as I would have liked today.

Students should have finished their rough drafts today.  Not all did.  I would like to take one more day to do some peer editing.  Hopefully most of the students will be ready with something to read tomorrow.

What to check for in the rough drafts of Flowers for Algernon:

____ Handshake and thesis that grab you and give you a clear direction
____ Summary that gives you enough to understand the basic story
____ Three support paragraphs that explain the thesis
          Each support paragraph contains
____ Examples from the text and/or Quote from the text
____ The essay writer’s opinion
____ The essay ends with a clear conclusion the summarizes the main points

Better writers will
____ Have no grammar errors (or few distracting errors)
____ Good sentence variety to create a nice rhythm
____ Proper word choice