Wednesday, January 02, 2013

School is back in session, and I am ready!

Students could work on pages 2 and 3 of their packet.  They need to learn some vocabulary.  See below.

Check out the new weekly schedule that I am going to follow.  Looking at the AR scores, I see that most of my students really need time in class to read.  I thought my lessons were too important, so I skipped the time.  Now the students need to do their "reading push-ups!"

Grammar Friday and Open Mic
I also scheduled time for sharing and grammar.  How much we do of each is up to them.  Either way, they benefit.

We started studying the story Flowers for Algernon.  I have organized a packet for the students so they know exactly what is required of them over the next three weeks or so.  Each day we will have some work time and discussion time, but the students have pages they must complete.  This will allow students to work at their own pace. 

I know I need to get back to the vocab book, but there is plenty of vocabulary in this story.  Please see the packet.  We will get back to the book sometime. 

Today we looked at examples of Rorschach inkblots.  The students had a lot of fun with this.  It was neat to hear how we see things differently.  I don't know if all their views of the shapes reflected their inner selves or if they were trying to come up with the craziest interpretations! The picture below was a dragon, Bigfoot, a man riding a motorcycle, and a bear.