Friday, January 25, 2013

Due Dates and introductions

The rough draft of the essay should be done Monday with the final draft due Tuesday.
The scripts and storyboards for the ads should be done for Tuesday so we can practice.
Wednesday we will film the ads.

Today we discussed the introductions.  I covered handshakes and thesis statements.  Here is an example:

Joseph Addison, an American writer, once mused, “Animals, in their generation, are wiser than the sons of men; but their wisdom is confined to a few particulars, and lies in a very narrow compass. The night my dog got hit by a car, I wanted to hide in my room in cry.  I wanted to run away from the pain.  Instead, my dad told me to help him, and I am glad he did. That night, my dying dog taught me some wisdom I would never forget.

The yellow is the handshake or hook.  You don't just jump right into what you will prove.  You ease the reader in.  I discussed using a question, a fact, and a quote as a handshake.  Here is a link for 52 more types of hooks!

In section 1, we discussed how to include a summary in the beginning of the essay.  I had suggested having a summary as its own paragraph.  I showed examples where the summary was too detail or even distracting.  We discussed solutions.  One idea was to put just enough summary in the introduction.  The other was to write a summary paragraph but only include the parts or the story that relate to what are being discussed in the thesis.