Sunday, January 13, 2013

Grades this week...

Grades this week
Section 1 must have taken three AR tests by Friday.
Sections 3 and 4 must have taken two AR tests by Friday.

There will be a Flowers for Algernon comprehension test on Tuesday.  Students may use the book and their packets.  This will be the last test grade for the second marking period.

I will collect the packets by the end of this week or early next week.  The packet should be completed to the best of their ability.  The completion of the packet will be the first grade of the third marking period.

Achieve Grade
You will notice on HAC that I have entered am Achieve grade.  The grade is the result of student effort, not student achievement.  The student must write a reply e-mail and answer a thought question.  Both are graded on completion. The student must answer comprehension questions.  The grade is curved to reflect completion.  (Trust me!  19% is 7/10.)  If you have questions, please ask me.

I will be using the same schedule for this week as I used last week.  It worked very well.  Friday's open mic time was fun, and I look forward to students sharing more of their creativity in the weeks to come.