Friday, October 12, 2012

Grades have been updated on HAC

As of now, I have added the first AR test results.  I also added a grade for handing in the response to Stop the Sun on-time.  It is a small grade, but I want everyone to know if a big assignment is in on-time or not.  It may take me a week or so to grade these.

We had a little going away ceremony for the six students in my Section 1 who are leaving the class.  Each student wrote a little positive message and deposited it in each student's box. Then the boys took the messages out and wore the box on their heads for the rest of the day.  (I don't know why.)

On the flip side, there are a number of students who are excited that their friends are coming into the class!  I have to prepare a welcoming ceremony for them. 

Buy, guys!  You will be missed.