Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Good draft is due by Friday

FYI: I added the AR scores to Section 1 on the HAC.  I will add the other two sections on Friday.

The good draft of the Stop the Sun response to literature piece is due Friday.  Today we looked at the rough drafts.  Section 4 typed in class and submitted their pieces.  (Some will finish by Friday.)

Here is the best outline I have come up with for those few students who are still not quite seeing the big picture.  You will also see an example of a B-/C+ piece at the bottom if you are curious what the paper should sound like.  

This will be on my blog today.
Start with a focusing statement (focus of critique/connection)
Summarize story to give context for your commentary
         Quick summary of the story
         Main conflict
Mention the characters to pique our interest
         Story leads to theme
Critique and connect to the text
         Critique, explain, example from text.
         Critique, explain, example from text.
Choose two: Exposition | Characters | Setting | Conflict | Rising Action | Climax | Resolution | Theme | Flashback | Choice of characters | Use of dialogue
                  Connect, explain, example from text.
                  Connect, explain, example from text.
                           Text-text | Text-self | Text-world
Finish with a strong conclusion (You proved your focusing statement.)


I did not like this story.  I did not connect with it at all.  None of my family members have been in the war and I do not think they used good description.  I could not picture a lot of the story and it made me confused.
            I did not like the story because in the first place Terry was trying to figure out what caused his dad’s problem.  Mr. Erickson was in the Vietnam War and was diagnosed with Vietnam Syndrome.  This caused him to have random freak-outs and he would stare out into space.  Not saying a word.  This process made Terry very worried for his dad and he wanted to figure out the issue.
            One reason I did not like the story was because I didn’t have anything in common with it.  Terry was told not to ask about his dad’s scary syndrome and he was worried.  I have never been told anything that would make me want to fix it.  And, like I said, none of my family members have been included in the war.
            Another reason I did not like this story was because I do not think the writer used enough description.  He used small words to describe what things looked like, so I could not picture the setting.  The only thing I could imagine was when Mr. Erickson told the story about his experience at war.  I also did not like how the story was laid out and organized.  To me it was confusing and hard to read.  They would talk about one thing and then jump over to another subject.  I think some things could have been taken out of the story.
            In conclusion, the author’s short story did not impress me.  If I could change one thing, it would be the description.  I think it is important for the reader to picture the story in their head and I did not have that effect.  I know the author could have written the story better and more organized than he did.

339 words