Tuesday, December 06, 2011

This is the outline which is due Thursday.

Today I discussed points in the debate.  These will be posted here later.  The students should be sure to take advantage of these opportunities.  One is to make a visual and refer to it in three different ways.

Paragraph 1

The boy in the story has a decision to make: should he squish the ant or not? After researching ants and exploring the topic, I am going to prove to you that the boy in the story should squish the ant. He should squish because reason 1, reason 2, reason 3.

Paragraph 2
(The results of your research.)
1. The first reason he should squish the ant is because …. ANTS ARE RUDE!
            - what do you mean?
            - how does this relate to our story?
            - what research have you found?
2. The second reason he should squish the ant is because….. ANTS SCREAM.
            - what do you mean?
            - how does this relate to our story?
            - what research have you found?
3. The third reason he should squish the ant is because…. ANTS VOTE.
            - what do you mean?
            - how does this relate to our story?
            - what research have you found?

Paragraph 3
Explain how you fully understand the other position.
Reason for not squishing the ant. 
            Why do they feel this is the correct thing to do?
Reason for not squishing the ant.
            Why do they feel this is the correct thing to do?
Reason for not squishing the ant.
            Why do they feel this is the correct thing to do?

Paragraph 4
Explain how their argument is wrong.
They said that …, but they are wrong because …
They said that …, but they are wrong because …
They said that …, but they are wrong because …

Add any strong arguments that you feel are needed.
Maybe you want to end with a bang!

P5: Conclusion
I have proven to you that the boy in the story should (not) squish the ant. He should (not) squish because reason 1, reason 2, reason 3. I have also discussed how… (list some of the points you covered in the part where you refuted the other side.)