Friday, December 16, 2011

I only saw two classes today.

We did not get through many debates today because there was a rewards movie.  This puts me a little behind.  I sure hope I can get through all the debates next week! 

Today I had one debate where both students scored at the A level; however, as I said from the beginning, only the winner gets the A.  (The loser gets a B+++++)  So far, very FEW students have taken advantage of the visuals option!  The boy who got the B today could have won if he had brought in visuals.  I keep saying this over and over!

There was another debate where the students chose the winner, but I did not agree with them.  The student had said the ants were here to help humans, basically like little fairy helpers.  There were three times I did not give him points because he was being ridiculous.  But the kids bought it because he has a great personality.  We discussed this for a few minutes.  It is very human to overlook logic for a smooth talker.  (The boy who lost earned a B while the winner earned a C+.  Weird, huh?)