Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13, 2010 (Was your child on a trip today?)

Choosing the Right Word Unit 3

We are discussing the story "Thank You, M'am" by Langston Hughes.  Today I wanted the students to extend the story by thinking about what happened to Roger after the story ends.  We are discussing cause and effect as well as author's purpose.  I had them use the following notes to write a pretend narrative as Roger.  I gave them 25 minutes to write.  Any student who was absent today MUST make up this assignment.

Cause and effect:
life before → stealing purse →meeting Luella → dinner, money, and lesson → ????

Reread/skim “Thank you, M’am” now that you have seen the video. (Page 29)

Pretend you are Roger, and you are older now. You have been asked by someone to describe an incident in your life that was important to you. That incident could have been a turning point in your life, or it could just stand out as something that you will always remember. Write a short piece describing how the evening with Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones affected your life.

Step 1- Where did Roger end up?
As a result of the incident with Mrs. Jones, I ended up … becoming a cop.

Step 2- Figure out the incidents he went through to get there: before, during, after, now

Step 3- Write the story following the outline below.
As a result of the incident with Mrs. Jones, I ended up … becoming a ?????
a. Describe a little about your life before you met her. (2 sentences?)
b. Describe the incidents of that evening. (4 sentences?)
c. Include the thoughts you had as you went through the event. (2 sentences?)
d. Finally, describe where you have ended up in your life now. (2 sentences?)
e. Describe how the events of that evening had an impact on you. (2 sentences?)
f. What effect did that meeting have on your life? (What lesson did you learn?)