Thursday, October 07, 2010

I published some recordings today if you would like to give a listen.

Current Understanding: To what extent do human beings learn about life by making connections to themselves, others, and the world around them?

Give a listen to these recordings and see if you make any connections.
(The links are on my homepage for now.)

Meaning of Life 1
Meaning of Life 2
Meaning of Life 3
Jared S. talks about his eye opening interview with his mom.
Sofia B. talks about learning about her father.
Jackie D. wrote about her mother's faith.
Nick M. did not know his dad was so interesting!
Alexa P. reads about her interview with her mom.
Lisa P. reads about her interview with her step-father.
Jeremiah B. reads about his mother's faith.
MrBoZ interview Raniya and why you should not mix whipped cream with OJ.