Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to improve your narrative

Narrative due Wednesday (But I would get it done earlier!)

What can you do to improve your piece?

Outline the basic events in order.
        1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
        Do you have the basic story down?

Can you add sensory details?
Highlight 5 senses in yellow.
        Taste, feeling, hearing, seeing, smelling

Can you add any thoughts?
        Highlight your thoughts in blue.
         Do you have thoughts of when you were
            going through the event?
        Do you have thoughts now that you are
            older looking back at the event?

Does your piece have an overall purpose?
       Why are you telling us this story?

Could you include any dialogue?
      What exactly did someone say?
       It brings the people in the story alive.