Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Crafting a narrative continues.

I gave students the option to take the Unit 3 quiz open book.  However, if they do, they can only earn a maximum of 85%, even if they get 100%.  The other option is to take the test normally.  Then they can earn 100%.

Students should be working on their narratives at home.  I suggest they finish a draft as soon as possible so they can get help revising.  I have finished mine.  It is 1400 words.  I am having some teachers read it to see if they can follow it.  I hope they are harsh.  I don't want to confuse people.

I discussed the idea of sea and mountain.  A narrative is where the writer is standing on the mountain observing how the event fits into the larger picture of his life.  For example, there was a poem I read to 500 people when I was a senior in high school.  Now that I am 41, I am on a mountain looking back at that moment.  From my vantage point, I see how that moment influenced me.  I loved the excitement of reading in front of people. 

Here is a rough outline of how I could tell the story.

Event: Read a poem at a graduation ceremony.

Lesson Learned: What I say can be heard by many. People like what I say.

Outline the basic events of your moment:
Before the event
         Liked to write poetry
         Wrote for fun and friends
         Somehow I volunteered to be part of event coordinating
         The idea for a poem came to my mind.
         Showed the poem to the teacher organizing event.
        He thought it would be nice to include
        (I even designed the cover of the program)

During the Event
        Sat on stage.
        500 people- Mom, Dad, girlfriend, family (Dad almost didn’t show.)
        Nervous, but did it. I have the picture Dad took.

Thoughts right after event
       I loved it!
      Appreciated the praise, but also amazed that 500 people heard my message!

Thoughts NOW on the event and why it matters
      I am sure this is one reason I love to be on stage and write.
      This is me on the mountain explaining why that event matters to me now.