Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The good draft is due tomorrow! Be prepared to record!

The final draft of the essay is due tomorrow.  We practiced proofreading skills today.

I saw sections 3, 4, and HB today.  (We had testing in 5 and 6.)
I had the students practice recording using the microphone.  It is not as easy as you would think.  The students don't like to project their voices.  They try to rely on the mic.  So I kept urging them to speak up.  I told them I would do that twice and then stop when they record their piece over the next few days.

I am grading the oral presentation (25 points).  Most students will get B's.  To get an A, the student must have a good pace, yet pause as needed.  The voice has to be loud enough and clear.  But mostly, they have to sound real, like they are telling us a story.  I urged the students to practice reading to someone at home.  Maybe that person could sit across the room or down the hall to get the reader to raise his/her voice.

Here are the practice ones we did today if you are interested. 
(Maybe your child could point out which one is his/hers.)
Section 3  
Section 4   
Section HB