Monday, October 25, 2010

No vocabulary this week.

The final draft of the narrative essay is due Wednesday.  I spent today discussing the rubric I will use to score their pieces.  We also discussed punctuating dialogue.  We did some proofreading practice as well.

I would like all students to revise their papers tonight so we can get one more opportunity to fix the paper before it is due.

Here are the note I discussed today:

The goal for today is to be ready for Wednesday’s reading.

Focus on content and organization
Read your story aloud.
How does it flow?
Listener, can you follow the story?
Does it have a clear lesson learned?
Listener, what do you want to know more about?

Spelling is usually not a problem.
Frequently confused words: there/they’re, etc.
Punctuating dialogue

John said, “I want to leave now.”
“I was wondering,” said Bill, “who will win the game.”
“I don’t really care who wins the game!”

When a new speaker begins, there is a new paragraph.

There is no vocabulary this week. We will not have time.
Upcoming grades: Rough narrative ready 5 points, Good narrative in on-time= 25 points, Read narrative to the class= 25 points if well read.