Wednesday, November 07, 2007

November 7, 2007

Sections 3,6,7 Flashcards
Study for Unit 3 Quiz
Bring in song lyrics about love

We are almost finished discussing the song "You Are the Music in Me." Today we discussed the song by putting the lyrics into the appropriate column in a chart. This chart should be use for all the research for the next paper. I told the students that they should bring a lot of data on Tuesday, when the chart is due. This way they will have something to write about.

In our discussions, we really focused on how you know you are in love. We made a checklist of sorts from the chart. If you recognize these things happening, you might be in love! We also discussed the different stages they will go through. We agreed that the first love they know is that of family love. Eventually children leave their parents for a mate. Between family love and marriage love are lots of stages. There is "liking" someone. Then there is "puppy love." Next is a more real love. And I am not sure if Troy and Gabriella are in the real love stage or the next stage above that. There is romance in the song. No class really nailed down exactly what stage comes after real love. Being 38, married for 15 years, and having two children, I know love has more stages that what I knew in high school!