Choosing the right word unit 2
(Context clues must be highlighted)
I had the students copy a few comma rules into their notebooks. We will discuss them in the next few daily drills.
We listened to the recordings from the other day. I will post them soon. I discussed how we can improve them for next time. In general, I don't think the students knew what to expect when they recorded. Now they do. I think the next recording will be better.
We played pictionary with the unit 2 words.
My first marking period grades are done. In the past, I would e-mail them out to parents, but I can't do that right now. I am also beginning to grade the adversity essays. We will start our new writing topic on Monday. It will be on love. The students will research what love means to them and others. The paper will gather the findings together into a thoughtful paper. It should be interesting!