Tuesday, November 06, 2007

November 6, 2007

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Finish Unit 3
Research the questions from the love prompt
Bring song lyrics on Thursday

We began discussing these questions as they relate to the performances of "You Are the Music in Me" in HSM2 (about love): What is it? What does it look like? What does it feel like? How do we recognize it? Are there different types of love? We began by examining the color coding of the lyrics. They saw that Sharpay's version is sung mostly by here while the other version has many people singing. Then we began with the idea that if love is a grape, the Troy and Gabrielle version is big a juicy, while the Sharpay and Troy version is like a raisin. The love that fills the first song is sort of dried up or sucked out in the Sharpay version. We watched the videos muted and observed what love looks like. In some classes we started looking at the imagery in the song: "And like a common thread/hmm, you're pulling me." We also started discussing how there are different types of love.

This is a research project. I am requiring students to gather as many viewpoints of love as possible. If I just wanted an essay on what they know, I would sit them down and have them pump out an essay from their heads. I want them to explore the topic itself! I want the students to grow as a result of writing the essay. I am excited to write mine!