Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I have updated grades on HAC

I entered the KBAR Summatives.

Students should be working on their book reviews.  Students should be reading a lot!

Today I covered how to write a hook and summary again.  I made an outline of sorts.  I want students to focus on telling us what we need to know about the book as opposed to just telling us event after event.

Bait (one of the 52)
Explain (give a sentence to add to the bait)
Hook (leave us hanging- hooked)

Is a story about a character
Who…Because…He must…

However…Source of conflict

Other characters are a part of his story.
One does…Another does…

The story is set in
Which matters because

Connect to the reader’s interests/life with a hint at the theme
What is the big text to life connection?

Will he overcome challenge or attain goal?  Why do I want to read this story?