Friday, September 26, 2014

Tonight I am composing without a keyboard

I have spent the last two hours going over the introductions for the book reviews for section 1. I was trying to find the best way to use my iPad to sit comfortably and read their pieces and offer feedback. (Yes I know it's Friday and I should be doing something more fun, but honestly I really don't have anything more fun to do tonight.) 

What I found was you can't use the keyboard obviously. But what I could use were table boxes. I read their introduction and then offered feedback. All the feedback was given orally using voice recognition on my iPad and then translated by the iPad. I've never done this before. I've taught writing for 20 years and feedback is usually typed or written, especially with a red pen. I find it freeing yet difficult to compose as I'm looking at the piece trying to put words together as the computer is typing. In fact this last paragraph has been typed by me dictating to the air.

I also created a little video that explains what I did this evening. I am trying to use video more for my blogging and for my instruction using a program called Movenote. The link that I have included in this blog is for that video.

If the students in section 1 have time this weekend they can go to their book review and see the feedback that I gave them. The goal for next week will be to have them finish the introduction to their book review and maybe have a rough draft by the end of the week. I am using the online wiki so that students can continually get feedback on the work that they are doing. The book review is still due by the end of the marking, but students need to be working on it now.

(I did go back and edit this using the keypad on the iPad. There were some errors that were not picked up by the voice recognition; however, most of the typing was correct. Have a nice weekend!)