Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Quick Short Story Planner

We are practicing how to start writing a short story.  Once the following five categories are defined, students can go on to plan the details.

 I have created an online idea builder.  The first tab is a page that selects random details from all the tabs.  If that page is refreshed, new ideas come up.  However, not all the details make sense together.  That is why I am trying to get them to select the ones that do and explore others to make the characters deeper.

Students can use details from the many tabs to detail their own setting and characters.  However, students struggle with coming up with an event which will change the main character.  That is why we are practicing.  They are not there yet.

Hopefully, students will be ready to show me their story ideas on Friday.  I want to see these five categories explained briefly.  

Quick Short Story Planner

1.  Setting
   (it matters)

2. Character 1 (main, dynamic, round)
   Physical Characteristics

  Has a problem/choice to make

3. Character 2 (static, flat)
  Will interact with C1 to produce change
  Physical Characteristics

  Has his/her own issues

4. Event/Plot – situation (conflict)  to affect change
   Determine how C1 will change and problem acted on

5. Theme- What lesson does C1 learn?

After students have completed the five above, they will fill this sheet below in with lots of details to give the characters depth.