Friday, September 12, 2014

I entered a few grades in HAC

Assignments in HAC

  1. Signed Syllabus: That was due the second day of school.  Most are in.  If you are seeing this, your child turned it in because I have your e-mail address.
  2. Wrote Diagnostic: That first week, students were required to read an article and write a response as part of a state level assessment. This has to be in.
  3. KBAR: The grade is the combination of reading in class 2x for 25 minutes and home 2x for 25 minutes.  Each session is followed by summary and sharing.  They were also to interact with the text and respond.  Finally, the sheet was to be signed.  If you need details, e-mail me.  I will tell you what might have been missing.  Some students did not turn in the sheet today.  I will accept it late.
  4. Achieve: Sections 2 and 3 are doing Achieve.  The Achieve grade is a combination of the scores from the activity questions, my score from their poll question, and completion of the thought question.  This week we had the chance to do two articles.  Achieve just started, so no student earned below a 70% this week.  We will not have achieve next week because the computers will be used for testing.
  5. Short Story Quick Plan: Students gave me a sheet today with their basic story idea.  I will score them over the weekend.

Upcoming Assignments for next week:

  • KBAR next week
  • Rough storyboard for their short story planned with three narrators: 1st person, 3rd person limited, 3rd person omniscient. (Students can use The free version only allows you to make three boxes.  I screenshot the first three, clear them, and make three more. Then I paste the pictures in a document.)
  • We will detail two characters (characterization-see below)
  • Students should also be getting to know these academic vocabulary words:

Point of View
Third-Person Point of View
Omniscient Point of View
Third Person Limited
Speech (choice of words, way of talking)
Interaction with other characters
Character’s thoughts
Other characters’ reactions to character
Theme and how word choice, sentence structure, imagery, and tone convey theme
Dramatic Irony