Thursday, November 29, 2012

Quiz on unit 7 words tomorrow.

Quiz on unit 7 tomorrow.  Study.
Here is a link for some practice.

My main goal was to explain how to find the voice in a poem.  What clues you into how the poem should be said, and does the tone of the delivery affect the reception of the theme?

We also studied the song "Firework" by Katy Perry.  I have given students the option of reading a song to us as a poem.  HOWEVER, the song must be appropriate AND pass the test below; the song must be poetic.  We will discuss this more Friday.

Figurative Language
- Lines
- Stanzas
- Free Verse
- Rhyme (Internal/
- Assonance
- Rhythm
- Beat
- Meter
- Repetition
- Alliteration
- Onomatopoeia
- Words and phrases that appeal to the senses and create a picture in the mind.
- Personification
- Simile
- Metaphor
- Hyperbole (exaggeration)
- Voice
Must have two
Describe and how created
Must have one. More better.
Who? How do you know?
How does a poet use these to convey the theme of the poem?