Thursday, November 22, 2012

I added a grade on HAC that I wanted to explain.

Happy Thanksgiving!  I am using the cooking time to get a little work done.

I added a grade to the HAC.  It is a short answer and grammar grade using Achieve.  When the students log on to Achieve, they are asked to respond to a poll question.  I have asked that they write at least three sentences as a reply.  Those sentences should be grammatically perfect.  That will score them a B.  If they write more sentences, which are still grammatically perfect, they can earn an A.  Seems easy enough.

The results after four rounds of grading show me that students are not being as thorough as I expect.  I am using the results of these weekly grades to guide some grammar lessons.  I also want the grades to show the students their progress.  Are they asking for help?  Are they getting consistently low scores?

Students must learn that they must use the tools available to help them type with perfect grammar. One of those tools is Microsoft Word.  Another tool is the person next to them.  The best tool, however, is to ask me.  I would love to sit down with them and point out their errors.

That said, the grade you see on HAC is NOT 100 points.  I weighted it as .25, which means it counts like 25 points.  I just want the full 100% score to show exactly how they are doing.

Here is the rubric I am using:

Too many errors, Two or more grammar errors: Spelling, i, dont, their/there, were/where,its/it’s,
Or too short with errors
One error, three sentences One error is not fine, but you should have caught them using Word
Or long with two errors that should have been caught
No errors. Must be three sentences long and make sense. Statement, support, support
Or long with one error
Over three sentences and well supported. You showed me that you really thought about your choice. Brought in things that you know about the topic.