Tuesday, February 07, 2012

We started unit 8 vocab.

We are almost done the sharing of the pieces.  I will be entering the group work grades after school tomorrow.  I will be grading The Stage is Yours pieces over the next two weeks.  

Sections 4 and 5 should look up the origins of words 1-10 unit 8 or copy the origins from below. 
Sections 3 and HB have copied the origins below on a sheet.  They are to copy the definition from the book next to these origins.
All classes should have made pictionaries for words 1-10 unit 8 for tomorrow.

There will be vocab homework this week.  Please see my calendar for the assignments.

Here are the notes we discussed in class:

Unit 8 Word origins/prefixes/roots/suffixes
(Write short definition and draw a pictionary.  Yes, even you who own the book.  Due tomorrow.)
1.    Abnormal- (ab = away from) normal
a.    Definition
b.    Pictionary
2.    Capsize- Spanish capuzar ‘sink (a ship) by the head,’
3.    Catastrophe- from kata- ‘down’ + strophē ‘turning’ (from strephein ‘to turn’).
4.    Decrease- from de- ‘down’ + crescere ‘grow.’
5.    Disputatious- from dis- ‘apart’ + putare ‘reckon.’
6.    Eject- from e- (variant of ex-)‘out’ + jacere ‘to throw.’
7.    Flourish- based on Latin florere, from flos, flor- ‘a flower.’
8.    Incentive- from Latin incentivum ‘something that sets the tune or incites,’
9.    Insubordinate- in= not sub=below from Latin sub- ‘below’ + ordinare ‘ordain.’
10.Legible- from late Latin legibilis, from legere ‘to read.’