Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Unit 8 Vocab Quiz Wednesday (tomorrow)

Well, we are back... finally.  I was out Wednesday and Thursday last week.  The students had a four-day weekend.  I feel like we are behind.  But we will be fine.

The goal is to have the students write their science fiction stories by March 6.  Between now and then I need to cover how they will craft the story.  I wish it were step by step, but it isn't.  Here are the topics I am going to explain over the next two weeks:

Setting, Characters, Plot Elements, Author's Choices in Science Fiction, and Story Telling Techniques

I will type up more details under these as we cover them in class.  They are listed on my side board for the students to refer to.  Right now they should be dreaming of the future and thinking about a story they want to tell.  It would be nice if each category could be done in order to create a story, but there is no one way to write a story!

Today we watched a video from Microsoft that showed future communication devices.  We also watched the Psycho Siri video again as an example if a short story. 

I think I have inspired enough.  Now it is time to get crafting.  I will help them fine-tune their pieces as they write.  They will owe me 700 - 1000 words sometime next week.