Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The Stage was Yours!

Sections 4 and 5 should find the etymology of words 11-20 unit 8.
All classes should finish the pictionaries and do synonyms unit 8.

Today we finished the readings in most classes.  There were a few memorable moments.  In one class, three students came up to read at once.  The two read the story while the boy in the middle acted it out. The class was fully engaged!  In another class, one boy read/performed his story for a full twenty minutes!  I thought he should just get to the end, but the students kept wanting to know what happened next!  

Some stories were silly and absurd.  Others were touching, the kind that have a level of honesty that you would not expect to hear in front of a class.  I am glad the students feel comfortable sharing.  These moments are what writing is all about!  The students took the stage, and many of them used it well!

1.    Nub - Middle Low German knobbeknob.’
a.    Definition
b.    Pictionary
2.    Onslaught- Middle Dutch aenslag, from aen ‘on’ + slag ‘blow.
3.    Ordain- from Latin ordin- ‘row, series, rank.’ To put in order
4.    Outstrip­- prefix (out) to the point of surpassing
5.    Pervade- from Latin pervadere, from per- ‘throughout’ + vadere ‘go.’
6.    Prudent- from Latin provident- ‘foreseeing, attending to’
7.    Quench- Old English acwencan ‘put out, extinguish’
8.    Remnant- from Old French, from remanoir ‘remain.’
9.    Simultaneous- based on Latin simul ‘at the same time,’
10.Swerve- Old English sweorfan ‘depart, leave, turn aside,’