Thursday, February 23, 2012

SSW time today

Use this for inspiration!
I gave the students two more topics to think about.  I gave them an inspirational pep talk.  Then I told them to sit down, shut up, and write.  They can do this!  

I told them to use the 700-1000 words I am asking them to write as a way to think on paper.  Those words can be anything, but the more they get their pens writing, the more ideas will come out of them.  I know this.  They need to trust the process. The words are due Wednesday, and it is a grade.

Suggested prompts

The effect of communication devices:
Opening Scene: You have woken up and the device you designed in class was sitting next to you!  You don’t exactly know how, but it has become a reality!  Go through your normal day now, using the device that you have designed. In what ways has your new device helped you have a better day?  In what ways has it made your day worse?

You have been sucked into a computer!
         Opening Scene: If you are like my daughter, you sit and stare at the Facebook and Twitter feeds watching the lives of your friends go by.  You comment and join in, but this time something is different!  Facebook seems closer tonight.  It’s not the screen anymore.  Something has just become too real!