Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How do you start a science-fiction story?

Choosing the Right Word Unit 9

I checked lots of homework assignments- 700-1000 words, pictionaries, and synonyms.  I did not review any of the vocab. 

I discussed the introductions in the pictures on this post.  We discussed the difference between using the first person perspective vs. third person.  We discussed how the setting can be introduced.  We discussed the idea of using thoughts to give the reader the background to action that is happening in the present.

I suggested students use one of the following scenarios to start their piece.
1. TV Broadcast- They could have something on a TV set up the conflict.  The main character then reacts to the TV broadcast.
2. Dialogue- The story could jump right in with a conversation, like we are overhearing two people talking and we need to figure out what is going on. 
3. First person narrative- The story is told from the intimate perspective of the main character.  It is like he/she is talking to us directly telling us the story.
4. Starting in the middle of the action- I showed them how the writer was bringing in the background through thoughts.
5. Vague- The last example sort of moves along slowly.  It doesn't grab us outright, but we are intrigued. 

We also discussed the importance of the title.  Many times the intro has one meaning as we start, but by the end, the meaning of the title becomes clear.

We also discussed the idea that they need to have the end of the story clear in their heads so that the beginning can lead us towards the end.

Check out the examples I included to see examples of these.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

700 words due tomorrow (1000 sections 4 and 5)

Pictionaries 11-20 and synonyms unit 9
(and word origins for sections 4 and 5)

I explained the idea of getting all the ingredients together to make something.  I showed them a picture of ingredients.  We discussed what we could make with those ingredients.  We also discussed how if you don't have the ingredients, it is  difficult to imagine what you would make.

Then I gave them work time to write their words.  If you look on the picture for this entry, you will see that I encouraged them to write their words on the categories of the story.  In other words, gather together their ingredients. If I took the time to explain what each of those columns contained, I would be ready to write a story.

The words are just words.  I am not saying a story or perfect grammar.  This is a hard assignment, but it is not as hard as some are making it.  We can all tell a simple story.  I am trying to give them skills to get better at it.

Here are the word origins for words 1-10 Unit 9

Accelerate- from Latin accelerat- ‘hastened,’ from the verb accelerare, from ad- ‘toward’ + celer ‘swift.’

Bystander- one who stands by

Canvass- (in the sense ‘toss in a canvas sheet’ (as a sport or punishment)): from canvas. Later extended senses include ‘criticize, discuss’ (mid 16th cent.) and ‘propose for discussion’; hence ‘seek support for.’

Casual- from Old French casuel and Latin casualis, from casus ‘fall’

Downtrodden- past and past participle of tread. Old English tredan (as a verb);

Entice- ORIGIN Middle English (also in the sense incite, provoke’; formerly also as intice): from Old French enticier, probably from a base meaning ‘set on fire,’ based on an alteration of Latin titio ‘firebrand.’

Erode- from French éroder or Latin erodere, from e- (variant of ex-)‘out, away’ + rodere ‘gnaw.’

Flounder- perhaps a blend of founder3and blunder, or perhaps symbolic, fl- frequently beginning words connected with swift or sudden movement.

Graphic- from or suggested by Greek -graphikos, from graphē ‘writing, drawing’; partly from -graphy or -graph + -ic.

Gruesome- ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Scots grue ‘to feel horror, shudder’ (of Scandinavian origin) + -some1.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Define the Characters in Your Story

All classes should make pictionaries for words 1-10 unit 9.
Sections 4 and 5 must look up the word origins of the words, like the example below.

Did you know that the etymology of the word erode comes from rodent?  In sections 4 and 5, we didn't either until we looked it up!

Rodent:  from Latin rodent- ‘gnawing,’ from the verb roder.
     our vocab word is 
Erode:   from French éroder or Latin erodere, from e- (variant of ex-)‘out, away’ + rodere ‘gnaw.’

We discussed characters.  We read a character description of a girl named Shannon.  By the end of the essay, we understood who Shannon was.  We could really picture her.  Then we put her into the Siri video we watched.  Because we knew he so well, we could easily alter the story.

I want the students to define their characters well.  Use the chart below to get a clear picture.

Narrator (Will the narrator be 1st person or 3rd person omniscient?)



Speech “quotes”

What others say

Words 1-10 Unit 9

The hikers needed to accelerate their pace once it became clear it would soon rain.
            Accelerate- to speed up
The bystander who had witnessed the collision gave his statement to the police.
            Bystander- witness, watches
The students volunteered to canvass the neighborhood for our candidate.
            Canvass- go throughout for support, to poll
A casual remark made by the mayor was taken out of context and used against him in the press.
            Casual- not formal
The immigrants at Ellis Island represented the downtrodden masses yearning to be free.
            Downtrodden- trod=walk upon, walked on!
To entice shoppers into the store, salespersons were giving away coupons for free gifts.
            Entice- attract, temp, lure
Storms and mudslides eroded the road so that eventually it became impassable.
            Eroded- wash wear away
After suffering much damage in the storm, the small craft was left floundering about helplessly.
            Flounder- to thrash about (like a fish)
A witness gave the reporter a graphic account of the destruction caused by the tornado.
            Graphic- vivid, lifelike
The gruesome crime rocked the ordinarily quiet neighborhood.
            Gruesome- gross, disgusting, revolting, nasty

Thursday, February 23, 2012

SSW time today

Use this for inspiration!
I gave the students two more topics to think about.  I gave them an inspirational pep talk.  Then I told them to sit down, shut up, and write.  They can do this!  

I told them to use the 700-1000 words I am asking them to write as a way to think on paper.  Those words can be anything, but the more they get their pens writing, the more ideas will come out of them.  I know this.  They need to trust the process. The words are due Wednesday, and it is a grade.

Suggested prompts

The effect of communication devices:
Opening Scene: You have woken up and the device you designed in class was sitting next to you!  You don’t exactly know how, but it has become a reality!  Go through your normal day now, using the device that you have designed. In what ways has your new device helped you have a better day?  In what ways has it made your day worse?

You have been sucked into a computer!
         Opening Scene: If you are like my daughter, you sit and stare at the Facebook and Twitter feeds watching the lives of your friends go by.  You comment and join in, but this time something is different!  Facebook seems closer tonight.  It’s not the screen anymore.  Something has just become too real!  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Some students are having trouble getting started on a story.

I found a graphic organizer on-line that I shared with the students today.  It is pictured here.  I took the students through the organizer using the Psycho Siri video we have been looking at.  I broke the Siri story down so they could see the parts.  

Here are some story starters that I put on the screen today for students to think about.  I will keep trying different things to help the students find their focus.

 You have woken up and the device you designed in class was sitting next to you!  You don’t exactly know how, but it has become a reality!  Go through your normal day now, using the device that you have designed

In what ways has your new device helped you have a better day?
In what ways has it made your day worse?

Science fiction story starters based on connectivity

Facebook Nation
         Pretend that the only life you have is Facebook.  Imagine that you live your whole life inside a little room.  You are fully connected by the internet, so you have access to any information you want. You are fully taken care of, accept that you are isolated.  You have known no other life.  You do not stand; you exist in a reclining chair (Yes, like Wall-E.) There is a door, but why would you leave?  What would you do?   
Describe the room that you live in. How did this come to be?

Fully Connected
         Imagine that we are all networked together.  There are no devices to use to send messages.  No mouth is needed to talk.  We are networked such that what needs to be passed between us is passed.  We don’t type or write with our fingers.  Is there a need for printed documents? 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Unit 8 Vocab Quiz Wednesday (tomorrow)

Well, we are back... finally.  I was out Wednesday and Thursday last week.  The students had a four-day weekend.  I feel like we are behind.  But we will be fine.

The goal is to have the students write their science fiction stories by March 6.  Between now and then I need to cover how they will craft the story.  I wish it were step by step, but it isn't.  Here are the topics I am going to explain over the next two weeks:

Setting, Characters, Plot Elements, Author's Choices in Science Fiction, and Story Telling Techniques

I will type up more details under these as we cover them in class.  They are listed on my side board for the students to refer to.  Right now they should be dreaming of the future and thinking about a story they want to tell.  It would be nice if each category could be done in order to create a story, but there is no one way to write a story!

Today we watched a video from Microsoft that showed future communication devices.  We also watched the Psycho Siri video again as an example if a short story. 

I think I have inspired enough.  Now it is time to get crafting.  I will help them fine-tune their pieces as they write.  They will owe me 700 - 1000 words sometime next week.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Grades are updated on HAC for all but section 4

Grading essays.
I have been out the last two day.  I am still sick.  (Just letting you know if you were wondering about blog posts.)

I adjusted the grades for the The Stage is Yours essay.  Originally, there were 30 points for some basic requirements and 70 points for pure grammar perfection (grade level appropriate).  As I have now finished scoring four classes, I realized that not having all 30 points was the norm.  In fact, the average student was missing a few points that I thought would be gifts.  So, I made the grades no lower than 24 points (80%) for that section.  I also doubled the 70 points because I always want the classwork grade to reflect effort and performance.  I realized that I needed some more performance based points.

If this all sounds confusing, just know that I am always trying to make my grades fair.  That's all.

I will have section 4's essays graded by the beginning of next week. 
 5 minutes x 130 essays= 10.8 hours... if I never took a break.  Generally, I need to carve out 13 hours to grade essays.  I love reading the papers, though.  Really, I do!  It's finding the time that is hard.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Slight change of plans in sections 3, 6, and HB.

All sections should finish unit 8 vocab book work and prepare for a quiz on Thursday.
Sections 3, 6, and HB should have completed the worksheet listed below and have a drawing of their device.  I found that the students were not working as well as I hoped in their groups.  Since the device could be part of their science-fiction piece, I felt it was important that ALL students design and think about the future communication device.  A few too many students were just letting the other members do all the work.

Design the all-in-one device your children will be using 25 or more years from now.  What will they be carrying in their pockets (or transporting some other way)?

First, think of a problem with today’s iPhone like devices.  What limitations do they have?  If you could design one better with no limitations, what would it be like?

  1. Draw the device so we can see what it will look like. (on the back)
  2. Explain what it does and how it works.  If you can, explain the technology behind it.  Can you explain where you got the idea from?  Is there a technology being developed now that has the possibility to do this?

  1. What problem does your device solve?  Think about the iPhone and what it does.  Why was the device created?  People obviously think they need it.  Why?

  1. How will the device help humanity in general?  How everyone benefit from this invention? 

  1. The opposite idea- What are some unforeseen harms of this device?  Maybe the invention will not benefit humans.  Instead, it will bring out something bad in us.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Future Communication Device Due Tuesday

Data stored using iron atoms!
In class, we have been working on a future communication device.  The project is designed to get their brains thinking about science fiction.  I would like each group to present tomorrow. 

They should also be done the Completing the Sentence for unit 8 in the vocab book.

Daily drill using the responders.
We reviewed unit 8 words and did some of the Completing the Sentence.
I gave the groups work time to get their device done.

(See earlier blog posts for the device requirements.)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Design a future communications device.

This is 10 years! Imagine 25!
Homework: None

We are finished with the "The Stage is Yours" piece.  The group and individual grades are in for the group work part of the assignment.  I will be grading the pieces over the next two weeks.

We are going to do another group-based piece.  We will be writing a science fiction short story.  I will post the web page next week.  The students are still in groups.  The group is supposed to be their support system.  I will be encouraging this more.  I think the students are still in it for themselves.  Group work can be challenging, but it is necessary.

The first responsibility for the group is to present their future communication device as described below.  I think we will present Tuesday.

Design a future communication/entertainment/??? Device
Twenty-five years ago, the most portable entertainment device was a cassette Walkman by Sony.  The portable video games were LCD at best, LED at worst. There were no cell phones.  There were no portable video devices.  Who would have thought that 25 years later we would have the iPhone, a device that is a phone, connects to the Internet, plays music, videos and games, and contains an accelerometer, GPS, and a compass?

Design the all-in-one device your children will be using 25 or more years from now.  What will they be carrying in their pockets (or transporting some other way)?

First, think of a problem with today’s iPhone like devices.  What limitations do they have?  If you could design one better with no limitations, what would it be like?

  1. Draw the device so we can see what it will look like. (on the back)
  2. Explain what it does and how it works.  If you can, explain the technology behind it.  Can you explain where you got the idea from?  Is there a technology being developed now that has the possibility to do this?
  3. What problem does your device solve?  Think about the iPhone and what it does.  Why was the device created?  People obviously think they need it.  Why?
  4. How will the device help humanity in general?  How everyone benefit from this invention? 
  5. The opposite idea- What are some unforeseen harms of this device?  Maybe the invention will not benefit humans.  Instead, it will bring out something bad in us.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The Stage was Yours!

Sections 4 and 5 should find the etymology of words 11-20 unit 8.
All classes should finish the pictionaries and do synonyms unit 8.

Today we finished the readings in most classes.  There were a few memorable moments.  In one class, three students came up to read at once.  The two read the story while the boy in the middle acted it out. The class was fully engaged!  In another class, one boy read/performed his story for a full twenty minutes!  I thought he should just get to the end, but the students kept wanting to know what happened next!  

Some stories were silly and absurd.  Others were touching, the kind that have a level of honesty that you would not expect to hear in front of a class.  I am glad the students feel comfortable sharing.  These moments are what writing is all about!  The students took the stage, and many of them used it well!

1.    Nub - Middle Low German knobbeknob.’
a.    Definition
b.    Pictionary
2.    Onslaught- Middle Dutch aenslag, from aen ‘on’ + slag ‘blow.
3.    Ordain- from Latin ordin- ‘row, series, rank.’ To put in order
4.    Outstrip­- prefix (out) to the point of surpassing
5.    Pervade- from Latin pervadere, from per- ‘throughout’ + vadere ‘go.’
6.    Prudent- from Latin provident- ‘foreseeing, attending to’
7.    Quench- Old English acwencan ‘put out, extinguish’
8.    Remnant- from Old French, from remanoir ‘remain.’
9.    Simultaneous- based on Latin simul ‘at the same time,’
10.Swerve- Old English sweorfan ‘depart, leave, turn aside,’

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

We started unit 8 vocab.

We are almost done the sharing of the pieces.  I will be entering the group work grades after school tomorrow.  I will be grading The Stage is Yours pieces over the next two weeks.  

Sections 4 and 5 should look up the origins of words 1-10 unit 8 or copy the origins from below. 
Sections 3 and HB have copied the origins below on a sheet.  They are to copy the definition from the book next to these origins.
All classes should have made pictionaries for words 1-10 unit 8 for tomorrow.

There will be vocab homework this week.  Please see my calendar for the assignments.

Here are the notes we discussed in class:

Unit 8 Word origins/prefixes/roots/suffixes
(Write short definition and draw a pictionary.  Yes, even you who own the book.  Due tomorrow.)
1.    Abnormal- (ab = away from) normal
a.    Definition
b.    Pictionary
2.    Capsize- Spanish capuzar ‘sink (a ship) by the head,’
3.    Catastrophe- from kata- ‘down’ + strophē ‘turning’ (from strephein ‘to turn’).
4.    Decrease- from de- ‘down’ + crescere ‘grow.’
5.    Disputatious- from dis- ‘apart’ + putare ‘reckon.’
6.    Eject- from e- (variant of ex-)‘out’ + jacere ‘to throw.’
7.    Flourish- based on Latin florere, from flos, flor- ‘a flower.’
8.    Incentive- from Latin incentivum ‘something that sets the tune or incites,’
9.    Insubordinate- in= not sub=below from Latin sub- ‘below’ + ordinare ‘ordain.’
10.Legible- from late Latin legibilis, from legere ‘to read.’

Monday, February 06, 2012

The final drafts of the essays were due today.


The Stage is Yours!
Today we began the sharing.  As I stated earlier, I want two people from each group to read.  In most classes, that means we have 12 essays to listen to.  The variety of subjects was awesome.  I was explaining that they should just sit back and enjoy these pieces.  Sure, it's not television, but for those five minutes while we listen to a piece, you get to listen to the words and ideas of someone else.  I love it! 

Later this week, we will start unit 8 in the vocab, and we will finish up the grammar unit we have been plugging away at. 

Friday, February 03, 2012

The final drafts are due Monday!

The requirements are on on the middle of the page.

My musings on the writing we have been doing the past few weeks.  Read if you feel like it.

The writing process is not easy.  I think too many students think that if they are struggling with creating a piece that they just aren't good at writing.  I think we have this image in our head of the artist who seems to create pieces with ease.  I remember watching that paint-paint-dab-dab painter on PBS with the big hair.  He made painting look so easy.  When he was done, he had a beautiful night sky.  But seriously, he had painted that picture before!  He did not just think up the idea and then paint it.  He prepared for the show!

For all the parents who listened to their frustrated children struggle to find a topic, I want you to know that I am struggling with the piece that I want to write for this current assignment too! There is some comfort in being told exactly what to write!  I feel like I am floating. 

I think my problem is I want to write something that is too difficult.  Do you know how Einstein was trying to figure out the one equation that would explain the how the Universe worked?  Well, I feel like I am on the same quest!  I spend my days observing Nature and humanity.  I read.  I muse.  I analyze.  I try to take all the disparate pieces of information and turn them into an orderly explanation of the meaning of life.  I am waiting for that cliched moment when the clouds part and the ray of light illuminates the answer.  Ahhhhh!  "It is clear now!  I am supposed to be doing ..."

Instead, I lay my head down at night and say I will try again tomorrow.  People say I think about things too much.  They say it must drive me nuts.  It does.  But I must like life that way.  Maybe that is why I will never find the answer; maybe I have found an answer, but because I question everything, I moved on.  Maybe there is no answer and I will never figure it out, even on my death bed!

I have been playing with the idea of paradigms and delusions.  A paradigm is a way of seeing things; it's like the glasses you see the world through.  Some people see the world as a harsh place out to get them and their stuff.  That is a lame example.  Religions have a paradigm as well.  Their books explain the world as such and such a place.  Events happen because... You should be doing... There are other paradigms, but the point is we all evaluate the world based on some type of viewpoint or measuring stick. 

But what happens when the world does not fit into that paradigm?  What if the viewpoint does not cover all circumstances?  Then what?  What will happen is a paradigm shift.  The way of seeing things has to be slightly adjusted or even changed.

But what if that change is too hard for the brain to deal with?  How can we cope when things don't fit into our decided world view?  Life becomes uncomfortable until the adjustment is made.  Another coping mechanism would be to lie or delude ourselves that everything is fine.  We have great imaginations.  What if we just convince ourselves that what we don't accept is actually not as we think it is.  Take this quote for example:

Our conscious motivations, ideas, and beliefs are a blend of false information, biases, irrational passions, rationalizations, prejudices, in which morsels of truth swim around and give the reassurance albeit false, that the whole mixture is real and true. The thinking processes attempt to organize this whole cesspool of illusions according to the laws of plausibility. This level of consciousness is supposed to reflect reality; it is the map we use for organizing our life.”
― Erich Fromm, To Have or to Be? The Nature of the Psyche

Paradigm shifts, delusions, reality, truth? This could turn into some late night, stare-at-the-stars philosophy session.  Awesome!  I love to read philosophy, theology, scientific theory, rational theory, and any other way people express what they think this universe is about.  My head swims with words and ideas from people.  Yet I find no peace. 

I keep thinking I should just pick one and stick with it.  But that does not satisfy.  The only way to move forward would be to delude myself that the one I chose is THE answer.  Each has its weakness, yet together they don't all equal one thing.  Do they?   

Or maybe this is my delusion. 

Maybe there is an answer, but I have convinced myself that there is no way to figure it out.  How would I know anyway?  One theory I like is that we are living in a computer simulation.  How can I prove we are not?  Some say evolution.  Some say God.  How can I prove it's not one or the other... or both?  We only know so much?

Maybe I am going crazy?  Ponder this:
“All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher.”
Ambrose Bierce quotes (American Writer, Journalist and Editor, 1842-1914)

So, to get back to why I wrote this piece.  I wanted to show why I was having so much difficulty getting what I wanted to say out.  I have struggled through three essays... wait, four.  They all went nowhere.  I thought I would try it one more time.  This time I spent some time reading quotes and ideas.  Maybe this is the paper I was supposed to write anyway. 

Maybe I am just supposed to close this computer and go home.  It's Friday, and I get to spend the weekend with family.  Maybe that is what life is about?  However, I am sure after a few days at the in-laws, I will alter my meaning of life. 

"It's all good"
(the ultimate delusion that I want to spend time in)