Thursday, January 26, 2012

Unit 7 Quiz Friday

All classes are taking the unit 7 vocab quiz.

Sections 3 and HB should have made flashcards.  I will give them homework credit for them.

I saw sections 4, 5, and HB today.  All classes are now in writing groups. 

Writing Group Goal:
Each member will produce a piece that is 500 - 800 words.
That piece CAN be a story.
The paper will be graded on grammar.
(One class saw this and asked why they can't write a story.  It made sense.  Why not?)

Here is what I expect during group time.  Groups will loose points for their members' behaviors.

You could be
·      asking what each has so far.
·      reading over something.
·      listening to ideas.
·      suggesting ideas.
·      helping your group accomplish its goal.

You should NOT be…
·      talking to someone in another group.
·      walking around the class.
·      laughing and joking around.
·      sitting doing nothing.
·      waiting for me to tell you what to do.